Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My grandfather was Donald Dunnet, I remember having one of the first lava lamps at my family home in Surrey. My mother Felicity was the youngest of his three daughters. My grandfather died when I was a baby but somewhere there are old photos with lava lamps in the background. I have been reading with much interest the story of who the real inventor of the lava lamp was......I heard the story many times when I was young about the invention being 'stolen' from my grandfather but obviously not sure what really happened. I am pretty sure he was the first/original inventor and am proud to be connected to him, just wish I could have really known him, a very talented man. My brother has photos of him when he appeared on a BBC tv program demonstrating one of his inventions.

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Hi, that's fascinating, I suppose you probably know that Donald Dunnet held patents for the forerunner to the lava lamp, and the device that later became the Crestworth cannon timer. I, and I'm sure many others on here would love to see any photographs featuring the lava lamps, or the device that was spotted by Edward Craven Walker in the Queens Head at Burley, in the New Forest.

The 1954 patent for the forerunner to the lava lamp;  GB703924 (A)  -  A display device using liquid bubbles in another liquid

Here is the Cannon Timer; http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&d...

Hello and welcome to Oozing Goo! I do remember the name Dunnet from reading about the history of the lava lamp and knew he was the man who came up with the concept. 

Any additional information you could share (pics, etc.) would be really cool. :)

I had always thought the name was Alfred Dunnet though, not Donald. 

For anyone interested, I will be posting more on this soon. Linda is my Aunt and we have now managed to locate a photograph of some original Dunnet prototypes from 1960 along with other photos of Donald with another invention.

Oh this is super exciting!!!!!  I luv to think that mine and all the other member's luv for lava is dated back so far!!!  It's like not only awesome but it's historical!!!!!

That would be great! I look forward to seeing this!

Charlie Leverett said:

For anyone interested, I will be posting more on this soon. Linda is my Aunt and we have now managed to locate a photograph of some original Dunnet prototypes from 1960 along with other photos of Donald with another invention.

Erin said:

That would be great! I look forward to seeing this!

Charlie Leverett said:

For anyone interested, I will be posting more on this soon. Linda is my Aunt and we have now managed to locate a photograph of some original Dunnet prototypes from 1960 along with other photos of Donald with another invention.

It's up now in general goo, hope you like it

Cool! I look forward to reading it!!

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