A few years ago I was a member of this site and ran afoul of a moderator. It didn't matter what I did, I was repeatedly trashed and repeatedly banned. I got burned out, I've not been back for some time.
I heard there was a change of leadership on this board, and, if so - I'm glad to hear it. If not, dear moderator; I guess you can feel free to ban me again. I'm not interested in naming names or pointing fingers, but - if this site is still managed by the whims of flighty angry people... I don't see it succeeding long term.
I've always loved this site, and loved the members, but (until now?) I've never cared for the mods.
Views: 1099
tThere has been some dodgy times with this sight with certain members and mods who were just getting out of control - they have left on there own accord.
I have to say that the sight is a grate place now and it is certainty different and a lot better. I have a grate deal of respect for all the mods and mark goo and a lot of the members on hear - I assume this is shared back.
Welcome back and I hope its a lot better experience for you then previously.
Lol I know who you are talking about. That guy was a turd, he banned me as well, guess who had the last laugh? I am also a mod here and I do everything I can to prevent things from regressing to where they were.
Vision said:
I highly doubt you know who I am, and if you do I can't summon much shock to care. I always try to follow the rules, this wasn't a conflict of rules, it was a conflict of machismo. He thought his pissed pure lightning and his voice shook the heavens. I've never liked those of that variety.
MattMJB0188 said:I know who you are!!! But the past is the past. There are a few new mods but the old ones are still here and I respect them. If you can comply with the rules and be respectful you'll find that this site still shines. :D
I heard that guy was such a turd, he banned himself.
Autumn said:
Lol I know who you are about. That guy was a turd, he banned me as well, guess who had the last laugh? I am also a mod here and I do everything I can to prevent things from regressing to where they were.
Vision said:I highly doubt you know who I am, and if you do I can't summon much shock to care. I always try to follow the rules, this wasn't a conflict of rules, it was a conflict of machismo. He thought his pissed pure lightning and his voice shook the heavens. I've never liked those of that variety.
MattMJB0188 said:I know who you are!!! But the past is the past. There are a few new mods but the old ones are still here and I respect them. If you can comply with the rules and be respectful you'll find that this site still shines. :D
Maybe. He was nuts so who knows.
Mattmos said:
I heard that guy was such a turd, he banned himself.
Autumn said:Lol I know who you are about. That guy was a turd, he banned me as well, guess who had the last laugh? I am also a mod here and I do everything I can to prevent things from regressing to where they were.
Vision said:I highly doubt you know who I am, and if you do I can't summon much shock to care. I always try to follow the rules, this wasn't a conflict of rules, it was a conflict of machismo. He thought his pissed pure lightning and his voice shook the heavens. I've never liked those of that variety.
MattMJB0188 said:I know who you are!!! But the past is the past. There are a few new mods but the old ones are still here and I respect them. If you can comply with the rules and be respectful you'll find that this site still shines. :D
Kicked off the site? The only people that have been "kicked off the site" were people who were banned for breaking the rules. We are fairly lenient and usually give people 3 chances before a ban. We wont share the names of people who have been banned.
Steven said:
I was reading the rules and I'm just throwing out a question here: every now and then I see people chat here and there about that people getting kicked off the site. Can you throw out some examples with revealing names?
The last time I was kicked was a farce. "The Moderator" had a thread going with all the people who were banned and why. He was gloating on it. I told him it was an abuse of power. I was banned immediately, my responses on the thread were deleted, then my name was placed on the thread, for the reason:
"Doesn't like moderators calling others names after they've been banned, I have my eye out for those who challenge authority, I found who I was looking for."
Smug. I knew his antics would never change.
Mark sets the initial rules of what we should be enforcing. We use our own discretion on what to do with those rules without violating the purpose of those rules. Think of us like cops. We don't always have to give a ticket, or we can bring your speeding ticket to 9 mph over so it doesn't go on your insurance. We also try not to ban people unless they really ask for it. I tend to be fairly hands off with my moderation which is a stark contrast compared to the last set of moderators. I will let people argue until it turns ugly and then I step in. I only moderate photos and discussions that blatantly violate the rules. I am also not a fan of deleting things because I would rather have a record of what happened and why.
Steven said:
So moderators are basicly the volunteer managers of the site if I understand it correctly. So as moderators you (as a group) set the standard of the site right?
We were technically elected/selected.
Each of us moderates differently. I'm pretty hands off, too. I personally watch out for spam, PERSONAL attacks and junk/dupe/imposter accounts. I'm very lenient. Some of us mods are ok with cussing, some of us are not. Most major issues are discussed privately and voted upon.
Steven said:
So moderators are basicly the volunteer managers of the site if I understand it correctly. So as moderators you (as a group) set the standard of the site right?
^That's how they did it years ago when I was a mod. Put out the most frequent posters and pick 'em lol.
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