Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


   A few years ago I was a member of this site and ran afoul of a moderator. It didn't matter what I did, I was repeatedly trashed and repeatedly banned. I got burned out, I've not been back for some time.

I heard there was a change of leadership on this board, and, if so - I'm glad to hear it. If not, dear moderator; I guess you can feel free to ban me again. I'm not interested in naming names or pointing fingers, but - if this site is still managed by the whims of flighty angry people... I don't see it succeeding long term.

  I've always loved this site, and loved the members, but (until now?) I've never cared for the mods.

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I'll keep everything in mind. Thank you mods.

Since the shift in moderator and membership, we've not had to suspend anyone in a long time.

Oozing goo feels like it used to back in the day with informative posts and friendly camaraderie.

 Once I stop laughing im banning you !!

Jim said:

The new mods still suck, but not nearly as bad as the old group.  They are ugly, smelly and rather boring, but they don't ban for the whim of it like the other fools did.

Sincerely, a fellow member of the been banned repeatedly club

Edit to add...

The biggest improvement to this site is easy to pinpoint though.  I became a member.

 As far as the original topic, there really is no bad here. The past is the past and it will not be repeated, the problem is gone now. Yes there was a major issue here that none of us could solve without the fear of being deleted, we were all under the gun. The whole mod team was replaced with good people, you are not going to be banned or kicked because of a disagreement with one of us. The entire site has been great since the changes, all we ask is no one offend anyone and keep postings decent for public view.

I hope I'm not out of line by asking this, but exactly how much "power" did THEY have???  Is Mark Goo gone too?

LampHead said:

 As far as the original topic, there really is no bad here. The past is the past and it will not be repeated, the problem is gone now. Yes there was a major issue here that none of us could solve without the fear of being deleted, we were all under the gun. The whole mod team was replaced with good people, you are not going to be banned or kicked because of a disagreement with one of us. The entire site has been great since the changes, all we ask is no one offend anyone and keep postings decent for public view.

Mark Goo is still here and he frequents the site regularly.

Marks owns the site and was here like 10 minutes ago, so yep hes still around. As far as what we can do as mods, lets just say none of us want to ban anyone without a reason too. Cause lets face it, there are trolls around every corner of the internet so we need to control them. We want everyone to enjoy this site without dealing with the trolls.

One of my favorite movies. Great soundtrack!

Mattmos said:

You have the Good and the Bad, but who's the Ugly?


Keith said:

There were two long time moderators who got out of hand towards the end of 2010 and into 2011.  Those two mods are no longer associated with Oozinggoo.  The mods we have now are not mean and are good at what they do.  There are sometimes disagreements, but those are expected when people interact.  This site has been able to continue positive discourse without random bannings because of small differences.  I think you will find that the moderator team is much better now.

 LOL not out of line at all, asking questions is fine. THEY had full power on the site same as us current mods but the power was abused. There were only 2 mods at that time but now there are 5 plus the Super Mod Mark, he Da Man !! Mark is very much still around ( see above ) and the creator of this site. We see him more in the mod forum then you guys do of him in the regular forum.

MattMJB0188 said:

I hope I'm not out of line by asking this, but exactly how much "power" did THEY have???  Is Mark Goo gone too?

Darling, who are you & was I one of the bad mods? If so, I refuse to mod here or anywhere, since my bi Polar meds are still wonky. Also, I'm sorry if I let the power of modding go to my head... it's not an easy job.

^ I remember you, and if I remember correctly, you were very sweet and NOT who he was talking about.  :D

☆VixenGypsy☆ said:

Darling, who are you & was I one of the bad mods? If so, I refuse to mod here or anywhere, since my bi Polar meds are still wonky. Also, I'm sorry if I let the power of modding go to my head... it's not an easy job.

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