Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was looking into getting a colossus this year and was wondering how much cheaper it would be to get one as a reseller. I am also worried about the quality issues of the globes. I don't want to get stuck with a crappy lamp with air bubbles all in the glass it's annoying. More so are my failed attempts to get through to the new lava lite company. I have been trying for a week straight to call them and no one ever answers the phone I was trying to arrange the delivery to be during the short time i get to be home from work.

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It means that we can put a cease and assist on them. Thanks for the heads up. My lawyers are on it.

We will have the initial product done in January. We are still working on bringing the costs down to what we want without jeopardizing any quality. We have our resources on standby for mass production. I think we will be selling them by March. I can't wait to release some of the footage of this thing in action. It is the complete re-invention of this product. Really exciting.

We ship all over. Just sent 12 to thailand not too long ago. We don't have any in the UK yet...

I will check on it and let you know.


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