Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

UK '70's sitcom, George and Mildred, featuring a Hunter lamp being rerun on ITV3 Mon 26th.

The 1970's TV series "George and Mildred" is being rerun on ITV3 in the UK at the moment. The episode that features Mildred bringing home a Hunter Sata - Lite is being shown on Monday 26th. April at 11.20am and again at 5.05pm. Watch out for Georges' comment when his wife shows him the lamp "I saw an Xray of my bowels once, and it looked like that!". It is episode 6 and is called "Where my caravan has rested". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_and_Mildred#Series_One_.281976.29
There are a few stills from the series featuring the lamp on the Flowoflava site.

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Hi George and Mildred is one of my all time fav shows.Have you seen the minder episode 'the last temptation of Daley' it features a yellow hunter lamp in Arthur's flat,you can also see a blue Crestworth Telstar as well.They were showing these Minder episodes from 1991 on itv3 a few months ago.
Hi Anthony nice to hear from you,sorry i was talking about another tv show called minder starring George Cole as Arthur Daley they were repeating them recently on itv3 it was season 8 1991 the episode was called The last temptation of Daley. Arthur is sitting next to a cloudy yellow Hunter which comes to a bad end when vandals smash up Arthurs flat.
Hi Anthony
Yes I love Queenie's Castle Diana Dors was excellent as Queenie.

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