Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So even with the knowledge I have sadly learned on newly manufactured lava lamps now a days is crap. I bought a Mini Lava Rocket..Regardless,  I for one am sick of it. I as most of working people all over the world are tired  of busting our butts to pay house bills, insurances and medical bills and food/fuel. So the little or big things we treat ourselves  to that we hope will give to us a lifetime of enjoyment and maybe be passed on down to our children or hey if needed resold has ceased to exist.  Many items now.. like our lava lamps are suffering due to corporate greed, lack or concern of quality control and final product. And heck why not... now they got us by the ____ and selling us this crap has us buying goo kits too. where does it end... so out of pure frustration and a heed to others who wont be buying this lamp with prior knowledge to its inability to perform without further investment of a spare bottle or goo kit. They are laughing all the way to the bank with our hard earned checks filling it. This was my review on the Mini lava Rocket. 



attached is photo of mini rocket

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Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain,
For strip-mined mountain's majesty above the asphalt plain.
America, America, man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea.


this should be the revised version of America the Beautiful... as they add newly manufactured lava lamps  to the mix of headed to Mt. Trashmore.

Yep, been there. If I were you, I'd crop that pic down and add it to the product page on amazon.com.

I just added my review and pics of the Designer lamp I bought:
read it and so whole heartily agree... we have an overpriced box of parts or spend more money to dump and remake..
should of bought a mathmos, good quality, good customer service, a little bit pricey agreed, i think they are now available over there in the usa, this may urge the lava brand boys sort there product out, as it is a volatile market place
Well said Erin and Kiramarie - its the same old story, lava lite are just interested in making a quick buck and are focusing on making there lamps, aka toys (which lava lamps arnt).  Yes Mathmos are coming over to the US which will hopefully give the US market some decent lamps now i doubt it will shake up lava lite as they probably wouldn't care.

I think the only hope is to take the issue and disscushion out of the collectors and put our views on Amazon, Spencers, Ebay etc so the majority of people who buy the lamps know what rubbish they will be wasting there money on.
I am pretty sure Amazon hates us and will close our account... which is fine, cant speak for Erin but they would doing me a favor. The thing is we never planned on giving ole Amazon a double whammy ... that was just a happy coincidence. Doubtful yet hopeful it will have much if any impact but we all by now know how I for one feel. Dream Big....

krissyfromswindon said:
should of bought a mathmos, good quality, good customer service, a little bit pricey agreed, i think they are now available over there in the usa, this may urge the lava brand boys sort there product out, as it is a volatile market place
well as for me I knew it would be crap . My purchase was for the cracker box frame that I am surprised can hold the weight of any bottle.  I am not sure if Mathmos is already here but when they do.. trust me I cry a river daily about shipping and even tempted into a leave of absence from my job for a European Vacation. Spend the shipping cost on air fair get some killer lamps and a memorable experience...
Don't think so. We are just writing and honest review of a product. Nothing wrong with that.

Mathmos will be selling to/in the states in September.

kiramarie said:
I am pretty sure Amazon hates us and will close our account... which is fine, cant speak for Erin but they would doing me a favor. The thing is we never planned on giving ole Amazon a double whammy ... that was just a happy coincidence. Doubtful yet hopeful it will have much if any impact but we all by now know how I for one feel. Dream Big....
Amen to that...

Modern LL lamps are not for the discerning collector. they are cheap and nasty - you get what you pay for.


I would never own one even if they did clear their globes up simply on principal. Living in the UK allows me that luxury and soon you will be able to choose which manufacturer you buy from as well without having to pay high shipping! hurrahh!!


OK so we all know Mathmos are more expensive but its like come on, LL do not deserve your hard earned cash cos they dont give a single solitary sh*t about their customers

I cannot WAIT to purchase my first Mathmos. September can't come soon enough. :) I'm still debating what color to pick...

Ford Prefect - NPNG said:

Living in the UK allows me that luxury and soon you will be able to choose which manufacturer you buy from as well without having to pay high shipping! hurrahh!!

Me too Erin! too bad they discontinued the teal/clear because I would be all over that. I am a tad worried though about the actual savings we hope to get now that Mathmos will be selling to the US. I don't mind spending a extra $ on the quality of Mathmos so thats not the case, but if savings is only like $10-$20, A lava lamp that's $100 definitely slows down my collecting to maybe 2 mathmos lamps a year. If they were to charge us what they charge in the UK for their lamps then I'd be all gung-ho about buying from Mathmos.

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