Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,- Deutschland / Europa

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,-

shipping to your adress

we are two.

we need 8 Lunar owner more

Hallo, wir brauchen noch 8 Besitzer von Lunar Raketen die eine Flasche in Wunschfarbe haben möchten. (2 sind wir schon, nur die es auch im Shop für Astro, Telstar usw. gibt)

Der Versand geht an euere Adresse von Mathmos aus.

Stückpreis anstatt knapp 200,- nur noch 120,-

Wäre toll wenn wir die 8 Leute noch zusammenbekommen.

Wer interesse hat bitte hier die Wunschfarbe posten

Würde mich freuen wenn den Text jemand in ein vernünftiges Englisch formulieren könnte :-)

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs






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Well, I wrote the last message too soon...

Another coil issue :-(


I would suggest you try to capture the problems on photo, then ring Mathmos & complain.

The photos should help you negotiate with Mathmos.

Hi Simon,

don't worries, I contacted them already :-)

Did you tried to let yours run at least 4 hrs a full power?

With my other bottle, when it starts to be too hot, it makes more small blobs, but never had an issue with wax leaving the coil like this one.

You really don't have any blue spots when hot? Only while cold?


I'll check again tonight!


laut Mathmos: Die Pigmentflecken im Wachs verschwinden nach ein paar Wochen

to pigment marks in the wax disappear after a few weeks.

marques de pigment dans la cire disparaître après quelques semaines

Best regards...

Thanks Gerhard,

yes Mathmos told me it will take few weeks to have a clean wax.

It's strange though that I never had this issue with any other Mathmos bottles.

For the coil issue they told me it is normal too.

Too bad, as I think the look and flow of this bottle is the best at full power.

Anyway this is still my favorite bottle for now, really gorgeous.

I hope everybody has received it by now.

Having the coil issue now ;o(

After using the dimmer, the wax lost contact with over half of the bottom of the bottle / coil exposed.

Sorry to read that.

It was AFTER using the dimmer down?

How long was it running?

Only a couple of hours.

Yes - it was dimmed down.

Turned it off for 5 mins to let the wax sink back to the bottom.

Started it back on 3/4 power - we shall see.

So strange.

Did it ever happen with your other Lunar bottle?

It seemed to behave itself after that,

No - I've never seen this before with my other red-violet bottle.

i recive my bottles a few minutes ago - i am happy! Many Thx to Cindy/ Mathmos

The Lunar is startet and in a few hours i can see the first flow - in colour blue :-)

all the best...

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