Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I am about to design some sort of display for my ever growing collection and thought it would be nice to see displays that you guys have made.

I'm going to be using wood and it will probably be very simple but its the electrics that are stumping me, I dont like to see alot of wires. I would love to know and see what you guys have come up with.

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yeah wires are a bitch!
you've seen the display i had a while ago, and the wires were a problem. i tried to run then down the edge of the shelving but with 4 jets on each side it does get a bit messy. i could have tacked them on and that would have sorted that out, but would have made it awkward if i had wanted to change the bases around.
if you can, make a backing to whatever shelving you have, with just a small slit to run the wire through at the back.
i think the best displays tailor each space to fit each of the lamps nicely, especially if you've got different height lamps.
BTW the ones i used for the jets were just very cheap cd shelves, and i just took out every other shelf.

if i had the inclination, i think shelving kind of like this would look totally wicked!:-

WoW! they are cool! I like the idea of the false back.
That stuff is fantastic!
I'm struggling with this, too. I got a shelf at Target awhile back, and quickly got more lavas than would fit on the shelf. LOL

I think I'm going to hit IKEA in the spring for shelving ideas. I also like the idea of mounting one of those electrical strips like this: http://www.amazon.com/Tripp-Lite-PS4816-16-Outlet-15-Foot/dp/B00005...

and then using zip ties to clean up the cords.

But, hiding the cords would be even better. Usually when the lamps are on, the light from them kinda obscures seeing the cords, especially if they're black.
i think they may have similar extension cords at home despot
those look like tetris :P lol
im also looking for some sort of shelving unit and im having the same problem.
lol nice. i like them, but theyre bloody expensive
we lava lovers have naturally expensive tastes!
Had a buddy of mine build this for a good portion of my lamps ;-) There is 18" of usable space between each shelf. The power bars are great with a master switch, and had 12 outlets. Pinned the power bar cords along the back edge, and every thing looks neat and tidy.

With the number of lamnps on each shelf, the cords are bundled nicely, and the arangement of the bases pretty much covers any cords.

Could still arrange the cords a little neater, and tuck the power bars behind. On the rainy day list!!
what are the dimensions of your lava rack? ive been thinking of doing something simple like this. and i think it would be cheaper than buying a bookcase
That looks amazing! do you take the plugs off and wire your lamps straight into those power bars?

I defo want all my lamps to switch on together but In the uk I would have to find an extention lead with multiple sockets and I'm finding anything over 6 are either in two lines or back to back so it would be too bulky.

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