Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

What is the function of the top cover that covers the cap in a lava lamp?

I'm talking about this part:

Does it have any useful function besides an aesthetic one? For example, would my lamp run any different or worse, or somehow get damaged over time, if I ran it without the cover, i.e. like this:

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I believe it's just decorative. But why would you want to run it without the cap on? The lamp will run no different with the cap on or off as long as the bottle is sealed, as yours is. 

is this thread a joke?

No, it's not a joke. I just like the look better without the cover, but I had read somewhere (don't quite remember, but it was a technical article) that the cover is added to improve the thermal environment at the top half of the lamp. Just like the taper of the globe is designed to do the same thing. I just wanted some other opinions.

Ha Ha!! Love the reply Doc.. IMO..for my lamps they look so much better with the caps on..cover up the liquid line..

Sorry I just thought it was a weird question and definitely a first here.... 

No harm done :)

I think I've found the site (or at least one that says the same thing, I don't remember the original because it was quite a while ago)


"Operate your lamp with that small plastic cap

LAVA LITE lamps are designed to operate with a small colored cap on the top. The caps protect the seal and change the thermal conditions of the lamp somewhat for the better."

(source - http://www.lavarnd.org/news/lavalite-care.html almost at the bottom of the page)

Not sure if the advice only applies to lamps of that brand or all lamps in general though.

none at all Luke :) I guess just when I see a lamp without a cap my first thought is its worthless without a cap. Anyway Its looks there nothing but a bunch a jargon on that site honestly lol also it looks pretty old too because they mention haggerty enterprises.

Luke F said:

No harm done :)

I think I've found the site (or at least one that says the same thing, I don't remember the original because it was quite a while ago)


"Operate your lamp with that small plastic cap

LAVA LITE lamps are designed to operate with a small colored cap on the top. The caps protect the seal and change the thermal conditions of the lamp somewhat for the better."

(source - http://www.lavarnd.org/news/lavalite-care.html almost at the bottom of the page)

Not sure if the advice only applies to lamps of that brand or all lamps in general though.

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