Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here is your chance to brag about an ebay win.  Let's hear it.

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Silly BINs find me and I find them.  Not sure what this seller was thinking, but who am I to criticize.  Two plush Garfield's were also included in the $7.50 purchase price.  The lamp arrived and is flawless; globe is a tad cloudy, but I have oodles of spare clear/purple globes.  Yay me!!!

Well, DUH! lol

Jim said:

Silly BINs find me and I find them.  Not sure what this seller was thinking, but who am I to criticize.  Two plush Garfield's were also included in the $7.50 purchase price.  The lamp arrived and is flawless; globe is a tad cloudy, but I have oodles of spare clear/purple globes.  Yay me!!!

I think they priced it in "no man's land" - probably would have done a lot better starting the bids at 0.01.

Jim said:

Silly BINs find me and I find them.  Not sure what this seller was thinking, but who am I to criticize. 

crazy find!!!! eBay just isn't the same the anymore....



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