Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all

Basickly I was wondering if it was possible to make black wax from the goo kit cloures and if so how would it be done.

Also I know you can make metallic wax - how is this done and what do i need to make it.

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Yes you can make a blackish goo. You just dump all the colors into the wax at heavy doses. Pretty much use all of it lol. They do make a purple that you can buy that should run black is you use all the dye pack.


The metallic is done by silver sharpie markers. You have to pull the marker a part and squeeze out the ink into the wax.

Thanks for that and for the Goo kit tutorial, I did my 1st goo kit convershion on a jet today - pictures to follow
No problem I hope it helped! :)

Hi All,


I emailed gookits about the black dye and this is their reply. Kinda funny.

 "As soon as the labratz get to it.  They have had the samples for a couple of months now.  I"ll ring their ears about it again"


I ordered a kit and some purple dye for my Grande. It shipped the next day, EX. service.  I'm going to try using all the purple dye. I hope it turns out (almost black) like the ones I've seen here.  

It will if you use the entire dye pak. It'll flow black, but when cold it'll look purple.
That sounds cool. I have 2-Grandes, they sent me the second one free because the first one was cloudy. I think the second one is worse. Anyway, I have the same question as Tim. How do you get the metallic wax color? I might try this with my second Grande. I really like the flow of these, it really sucks that most are cloudy.

well gookits wouldn't be where they are now, if the grandes were in good shape lol. The metallic look is done by Silver Sharpie Marker ink. You have to open up the markers and squeeze out the ink into the wax in. You usually do this while the wax is still in the gookit container. I just did my first metallic grande lamp and it took a total of 52 markers.


I've bought the black dye pak a long time ago and it runs 3 different colors. A puke green when cold, deep red with running (closer to the light bulb) and black when there's no light near it . It definitely wasn't a good black so hopefully they'll fix it. Right now the best bet for black is high doses of their purple.

Spence541 said:
supposedly the goo kit peoples are in the process of remaking the black dye and are going to re-release it someday.  However I've been waiting over a year now.
Wow, that is a sweet looking lamp. Thank you for the info. I might have to try that. How the heck did you figure that out?

Thanks! It can get messy so wear rubber gloves and make sure you mix the wax and ink PRIOR to pouring into the globe. This is permanent marker after all and it will leave marks on or in the globe if your not careful.The metallic method came from someone who stopped by here about a year ago, he made his own goo and used the metallic sharpies to color it. And I tell ya, a lot of us here were super excited to hear this, because most of us have been trying for years to make metallic wax and we could never find out how to do it until this guy came along. He did warn us about using too much ink, because it would cause the wax to stick to the globe. But I think I got the amount of markers you use down pretty good where is looks very metallic and causes no sticking.

Has anyone tried the Goo Kit dye on vintage faded Lava Lite goo?  I have few old faded green(looks like bubble-gum green) globes and is wondering if it's possible to color the goo with Goo Kit Green dye. 

Havent tryed but it might work - depends on the type of wax the gookit dye is made from and how compatable it is with the vintage lamps.

What lamps are you intending to cloure.



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