Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anyone have any pics of these two colors? I searched here and saw the pics for all of the other goo kit colors except for them.


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i have the dye for both, I used the aqua blue and added some dark blue for one of my grandes, its in my grande folder. I did not use the violet yet

Thanks Don

I've seen the pics of your blue grande before... it's very beautiful and amazing! I also just saw that you also kept one color free too (which looks completely white in one pic... I love it.).

It says you used the fluorescent blue dye with a tiny bit of regular blue dye for that grande though. ;O)  It looks kinda aqua... I'd love to experiment with a varierty of colors but I only have two empty grande bottles right now.

I hear ya, I would also like to see what violet looks like too..  cant wait to see how yours come out when u decide on the color


☆VixenGypsy☆ said:


Thanks Vixen-  Very nice one- I really like the blue liquid with it too.   I'm gonna try a few colors out on some 32 oz's before I decide on a grande. It's very hard to decide... all of the goo kit colors I've seen here are brilliant.        

I just got the aqua blue dye and this is definitely a wicked dye. During the day (lighted room) it looks aqua green / blue but in a dark room I get 2 colors going. Like a purplish color and green around the edges of the blobs. It's like a two-toned wax very trippy and nothing I've ever seen before.



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