Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Because these globes are so heavy when filled. I used to use a flexible hose and siphon fluid the into a series of used distilled water containers in order to empty it.
The process took almost an hour and usually made a mess.

Last night we had a plumbing disaster at midnight and the cold water valve on the washer connection exploded and flooded the laundry room.

I cannot wait to move.

It seems  that every weekend there is a new issue to address and wasting my weekend from the shotty workmanship and mismanaged construction of this hellhole


I had to bring out the shop-vac, empty it, and convert it to wet-vac in order.to clean up the 1" of standing water in the laundry room.


Bright idea~!

'While the vac was still out from the night before,  I decided to try it on draining the colossus

What used to take me over an hour to do, took less than 20 seconds to empty.

I'm embarrassed I didn't think of this earlier.

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