
, Female

I live in darkness

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Where I Live:
I live in the drarkness

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  • Modulo '70

    Welcome back to O/G. Wasn't the same without you.
  • dave p.

    Hi Bumpkin, so good to hear from you! Hope everything is ok in Cali! When you get a chance write me sometime. Great to hear from you again. Take Care, Dave
  • Roger Stenstrom

    Hi there Bumpkin
  • Modulo '70

    Heya, how's it going. I'm good thx

    Chillin to some cool music on the internet and viewing the latest Goo news!
  • Kelly Flaskerud

    Hey B., where do you live?
  • Kelly Flaskerud

    Okay, that's good to know. First thing, talk to your boss about getting enrolled in the CA disability insurance program (1-800-480-3287). Or, if you want to keep working, and you need some kind of accommodation to allow you to work, let me know. For example, there's lots of relatively inexpensive software out there that will "read" the computer screen for you.
  • Kelly Flaskerud

    You can email me off line too... bigdogzog@hotmail.com always works! :)
  • Kelly Flaskerud

    BTW, tell your boss to check out http://www.edd.ca.gov/de8714rralt.pdf

    It's a link to the CA Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities. They could be a big help with any accommodations at work or home.

    Keep your chin up.
  • Modulo '70

    Hi Bumpkin,

    I sure hope you're doing well. It's nice to see you here again.

    Take care
  • Woodvetch

    Right now I have 14 clear/colored wax 32 oz midnights with 4 more on the way. I figure I need 28 to 30 to make my Wall o Moving Color.
    Do you have any clear/colored wax 32 oz midnights you want to get rid of? (They must be clear not hazy)
    Let me know!
  • Kris

    Hope you get better :)
  • chainsofsilver

    I'm all right, just a bit stressed about some college exams this week. I hope you get better, too.
  • Modulo '70

    Hello Bumpkin

    I hope you are doing well, we all think of you and hope you are ok.
    Best wishes
  • Pink Floyd Hippie

    Hey, sorry it's been a while to reply to you. Thanks for always keeping us updated and informed, that's really nice of you and not many people would do that. I hope the best of luck to you and wish you well.
  • Woodvetch

    Hey Bumkin,

    You go man.

    Ya never know. I have been living with a brain tumor for 37 years. Early on The Thems gave me a year at best. I told The Thems, "fuck your predictions". Ha!

    Refuse to be anything other than an exception to the rules.

    Go for the gold. Good juju thoughts are with you.

  • Roger Stenstrom

    Hi how it going.

    Did you get tex messaging on your cell?

    Talk latter
  • Roger Stenstrom

    Cool. I will tex you to day
  • Carrie

    Hi Bumpkin- Hope this finds you well. I am good, very busy right now getting ready for summer break. Soon i will have more time to keep up with this site. I love to read everybodys comments.
    Take care
  • Pink Floyd Hippie

    Sorry I've been gone so long, bumpkin. you have given me messages and I haven't been here to read them. Things are going fine for me, good to hear you're still doing well. We will have to chat sometime!

  • Woodvetch

    Hey man was thinking about you just last night just as a storm rolled thru and lost power. We must be on the same wave length!
    How's stuff and things? How's the brains?
    Me, I've been slammed bammed at work the last few weeks. I work for FEMA and we've been prepping for the hurricane season. Been going 7 days a week. Thankfully will be off this weekend and plan to veg out, zone with the tube and take the phone off the hook. Of course I will also be soothing my soul with my beloved lavas. Ha!
    Let me know whatzup with you.
  • Woodvetch

    Sorry 'bout the gender error Bumkin!!! I'm a girl too!

    I'm even more sorrowful to hear about your fall. Must have been a baddie to get 25 stitches. Wow. When it rains it pours. But the rain brings new life so keep your spirits up while life rain comes down.

    I honor you for how you are dealing with life as it is at the moment and have and will keep you in my thoughts.

    I'll also be better about keeping in touch. Bad me on that account.

    Sleep pretty tonight.

  • Brian

    Hey! I am doing well. Things are quite buisy around here. Hope everything is going well for you.
  • Dr Talk

    Hello Bumpkin,

    Since I've been receiving notifications that you have left a post here on these forums for quite some time now, I honestly thought at first that it was some sort of spam or something similar. The words "brain surgery" jumped off the page at me today. I realized that all of those posts that I brushed off actually did belong to a real person. I also instantly recalled the gentle, kind words you always wrote in those posts. I'm a little ashamed at myself for not initiating a new friendship with someone who seems so humble and grounded. I'd love to hear more about you.

    I HATE hearing what you're going to be going through. It sickens me to know that another person has to be put through such a terrible ordeal, for lack of a better description. I don't know that much about your condition other than it being cancer. I hope this gets to you before you go into the hospital and I have a chance to hear from you.

    Dr. Talk
  • Mark Goo

    Hi Bumpkin, I hear you are doing well and I just wanted to stop by and wish you the best.
  • Justin

    Hey, I don't really know you well, but I'm glad to hear your fight with cancer is going well. Best Wishes!

  • Jen P.

    Hi Bumpkin, Congrats on your big win! I hope you continue to stay cancer free. What wonderful news! I am brand new and am desperately searching for some Florence Art Co. oil glitter lamps. So if you see a million postings, kindly ignore the repetition!
    Take it easy and let me know if there's anything I can help with.
    Jen P.
  • Jen P.

    Hi Bumpkin, Thanks for asking. I am sort of trying to recover from the thought that I have been outbid by someone on the Florence Arts oil glitter lamps (on eBay right now). But, that is so petty and insignificant compared to the important things in life. But it is still a bummer. Astrobaby started a discussion about Florence Arts lamps on eBay for me. I left a few glaring postings. What do you think - I wonder if anyone will get freaked out. It was supposed to warn away people. But it didn't work. The thing is - it's absolutely true. I myself am not evil. But I think I was some sort of powerful wizard in a past life or something and I can let loose some nasty energy with some serious consequences. A lot of it is not even conscious. I find out later some terrible things happened to people who incurred my wrath. I honestly don't even lift a finger. It always has creeped people out - including me.
    So, how are you? Where are you recovering? Are you in physical therapy or on chemo or are you past all that? Keep me posted. I also have healing energy. I can send you some if you need it. Mind you, I am no Rasputin (maybe a little in my looks), but on a way smaller level - I do have "gifts".
    I hope your energy gets back to normal soon.
  • Jen P.

    Hi Bumpkin,
    How are you feeling? Where do you live - probably in the UK if you're asking about Mathmos. I live in the US and just bought one (a silver glitterball) on eBay UK. It's pretty hard to get any Mathmos over here - they don't sell them here. I have to go run some errands in this choking 90 something degree heat. I'll get back to you later. Take it EASY and I am sending you some healing energy! Have a nice day!
    Jen .
  • Jen P.

    Hi Bumpkin,
    I sent you a message- check your regular email.
  • Jen P.

    Hi Nicole: I sent you another few emails. ;-)

    Jen P.
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    hello Bumpkin :)

    I hope you're well on the mend now, how is your memory coming along? any better?
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    i'm good, thanks.
    started a new job recently, and it's a bit hard going but obv nothing compared to what you've been through.
    just chilling today, and enjoying my new lunar :)
    take care, and see you about on here
  • Mark Goo

    Just stopping by to say hi!
  • Roger Stenstrom

    How are you doing.

  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    Hi Bumpkin

    If you click on the photos tab at the top of the page to get to where all the photos are displayed, at the top right hand part of the screen it says 'add photos'
    Click on this, and it will open up a section where you can add your pictures. it says 'browse' next to each little box, click on that 'browse' button and it will open up your documents on your computor and then you can navigate to where you have your saved pictures on your pc.
    Hope thats clear, look forward to seeing the pics!
  • MattMJB0188

    HI BUMPKIN!!! Love the lamp...
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    i'm very well thanks Bumps!
    how are you? well i hope :)
  • LavaLover

    Hi Bump'
  • Gary

    Hello there. Just received a note that you added me to your `friends' list.. Ok, accepted yours too (O:

    Have a good day.

  • LavaLover

    Hi Bumpkin,
    Pleased to meet you. To answer your question; I have a total of four lamps. And you?

  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    Hi Bumps

    I've not been on 'the goo' much lately. I hope you're well, hopefully catch ya around sometime soon!

  • dave p.

    Hi Nicole, How are you doing this fine evening? Well I hope. I'm headed off to bed for the night. Talk to you later.

  • www.6-ft-under.com

    Hey girl!! I'm great thanks! Hope you are too! How is the new house going? Well I hope! I'm going nuts right now. It's getting closer to Halloween and I'm so busy! I have a Haunted House amusement to run, plus the website, plus restoring my new hearse, plus everything else that happens in life when you look away for 5 seconds.... Ya know how it is.
    Good to hear from ya! I look forward to more house photos as you go along!
    Happy Halloween!
  • Roger Stenstrom

    I am doing good. I have been very bizzy becouse of Ike. How are are you doing.

  • Roger Stenstrom

    How are you doing.

  • Roger Stenstrom

    How are you doing.

  • Kris

    Sup bumpkin! How are things?
  • MattMJB0188

    Poor Nicole just vanished, I use to be so close with her but she disappeared in October. I really hope she's ok. I wish she would contact me :D
  • Kelly Flaskerud

    Hey Bump! Just got the good news. Hope you're feeling well!
  • lava4me

    Hello Bumpkin :-)
    Hope all is well with you.
    Chat with you soon....