Vic Lewin

57, Male

Halifax, NS


Comment Wall:

  • LavaMeister

    Hi Vic:

    Welcome to the Goo! Hope you make a lot of great friends and learn a lot about the lava.
  • LavaMeister

    Thanks for the invite. Can't have too many friends in this world. In regard to your Lava World dilemma, it's nearly impossible to find a contemporary lamp from them that 1. works and/or 2. isn't cloudy. I've honestly given up on them. Don't worry. Nature abhors a vacuum. They will be out of business soon and honest people like me and you that have a real desire for a beautiful lamp will step in the fray and offer a quality product. Start learning how to make them. I promise you I'm hot and heavy on that trail myself. Meanwhile, check out eBay for some classic lamps. They are already a little pricey and when the bottom falls out of Lava World the prices will go through the roof. Start colecting now if you have a few bucks to spare. I have a list of questions I ask of members when shopping that almost always guarantees a smile when I get the package in the mail. I'll email them to you if you like . Just let me know you wish to see them and give me an email to work with. See ya!
  • LavaMeister

    Hi Vic:

    I'll shoot you the questions in a private email. Hit me up whenever you have a question. Hopefully I can answer it. If not, there are always the forums. Tons of knowledgable folks here. Enjoy!