

Memphis, TN

United States

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My First Lava Lamp was:
waxy tower clear a month ago. Now have seven...make it stop!

Comment Wall:

  • LavaMeister

    Hi Charles:

    Welcome to the Goo! Hope you meet some nice people and learn a lot about lava.
  • Modulo '70

    Hi Charles and a warm welcome to Oozing Goo the lava lamp syndicate. Why not tell us more about yourself and your interest in the lava lamp scene. It would be nice to know. With over 2000 worldwide members here, you're bound to get any assistance you may need on various lava lamp issues/queries and of course, do check out some of the great lava lamp collections on display here and some great pictures/videos too. There's always plenty of other cool stuff on other funky lighting like glitter lamps and fiber optic lamps as well. Why not start or contribute towards one of the (usually lava lamp related) discussions here too.

    Oh yes, and don't forget the chat function to interact with your fellow lava lamp fans here as well!

    Kind regards

    Alpha Centauri (Jerome)

  • Charles

    I think this is my midlife crisis. I'm 47.

    As a lad, always wanted a lava lamp. Admired them every time I saw them, but for some reason never bought one. Two weeks ago I noticed a coworker down the hall had a small knockoff one.

    For some reason, seeing this lame, dormant one triggered something. I wanted one, but a cool one. I once saw a Grande in a recording studio here in Memphis, and began toying with the idea of now buying one of my own. I started on the Internet with Amazon, and learned that although these things are relatively cheap, the quality has really slipped and a ton of people are getting foggy lamps that seem to stay foggy about half the time, if not more.

    Wanting to avoid the hassle of shipping and returning numerous times, I hit the local head shops. One had nothing BUT grotesquely foggy lamps (and one lantern), and an unused Colossus in the corner with a busted lamp that was "on sale" for 800.00 down from three grand.

    I found a Lumisource tower at a record store that I dig...its very clear w/red goo and I have taken the plunge and ordered a companion black tower. At a different head shop I got a Portfolio rocket that was pink and orange. . Late last week at Target I bought a 14 1/2 inch blue/transparent lava lite. The goo is great but it is slightly foggy and doesn't seem to be getting better with repeated use.

    The future: I want at least one more 14 incher to make a pair, I want at least two 52 oz-ers (resisting urge to buy all 4 of the Google branded ones), and I want a multicolored Grande. I found a place in town that has one new for 250 bucks!!!!

    Sorry this is so long. I would *love* people's input on how to achieve these goals...I think I've hit all the head shops, Targets, and Wal-Marts in the greater Memphis area. It looks like I'm stuck with mail order...

  • ☆VixenGypsy☆

    I've been collecting for nearly 8 years. I've got 50+ I'm not even sure how many, since most are in storage. It took me 2 years to complete my Midnight Rainbow...

  • ☆VixenGypsy☆

    We moved into my Momma's house, just don't have the room to display them all.
  • ☆VixenGypsy☆

    Ebay is the onle source for 90's lamps! Yard sales, Flea Markets & craigslist are useless in my area :(