Jen P.


Pittsburgh, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Where I Live:
Pittsburgh, PA
My First Lava Lamp was:
I'm looking for a Florence Art Co. of Chicago vintage oil glitter lamp. Does anyone know where I can get one? Thanks.

Comment Wall:

  • Bryin

    Jen -

    Yes, that is my collection. I have been collecting them for a VERY LONG TIME! I have collected them from flea markets and collectible shows and, of course, eBay. I have seen them for as low as $40 to as high as $350 (which is one that I saw on eBay that I was surprisingly outbid on). A couple of the ones that you have seen in my collection are the only examples I have ever seen. I know very little about them, but I LOVE THEM! I saw the one that you mentioned on eBay and it's one of the more common examples. Those pop up every couple of months. The rarer examples (2 or 3 globes) hardly every appear. There are still a couple I am missing. If you post on Oozinggoo, you'll get responses from a few of the more informed members. One even made a diagram of all of the known styles. There is one that I know of that I am missing (the same one that I was outbid on). If that one every pops up, you can be sure that I will be bidding REALLY HIGH for it. I have acquired a couple more since the photos were taken. If you e-mail me at, I will send you pics of any that you would like. I appreciate your offer of looking for stuff for me, but honestly there is nothing else that I am really looking for at this time. Bryin
  • Mark Goo

    Welcome to the site, be sure to check out all the info here:
    I started this site in 1997, enjoy!
  • Jen P.

    Hi Astrobaby,

    Wow, thanks so much for the info (sorry if I sound like a parrot), but I am truly grateful - especially for the french glitter hunting. They're right up my alley. I am brand new (accidentally saw a Florence art glitter and have been obsessed ever since). I am purchasing a Mystique later this week and trying to get a Florence glitter also. I still have to learn more about the lavas - but I love the stunning vintage ones. I'm going to save up and see if I can get an Aladdin. The choices are soooo tempting (but there don't seem to be many vintages out there - is it because you few guys have them all squirreled away? ;-)

    Thanks again for everything. You're terrific!!!


  • Cybill

    Hello Jen, it is an Astrobaby Silver Glitterball (Mathmos). It is one of my most beautiful lamp. When turned on the lava looks like gold, when warm and turned off, it seems to be chrome. I bought it on ebay. They are quite expensive as they are somehow rare. If you make a search on this site with "glitterball" or "metallic" you will find the other colours that exist and you have a perfect description of the lamp. I also own an Astro metallic green (in the pictures) and an Astro metallic purple.
    May lava enjoy your life!
  • Cybill

    Hi Jen,
    The silver Glitterball is not produced anymore. I bought mine on ebay UK. From time to time they appear. Have a look at this one : item n. 250270108328 on The problem is that shipping to USA will be very expensive...
  • Bryin

    Jen - Thank you. Now I have to bid on it.
  • Bryin

    Jen - Check your regular e-mail. Bryin
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    No problem Jen, seems like you're a handy sort of person to have on-side!
    Shame they are already so high, you'll get them someday, and when you do, how great will that be!
    am at work now so bettere pop off.
    Byee xxx
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    hey no problem.
    I've only been collecting since February, so it won't take you long to get a collection of your own. The only problem is the money really! I can assure you my credit card balance is not at it's most healthy, basically because of the lunar I got, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity!
    Good luck in your collecting, and i'll look forward to seeing pics of the silver glitterball - a great lamp to start your collection!
    Be good!
    Lucy xxx
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    and thank you for the compliment on my collection BTW!
  • Bumpkin

    Hello Jen how are you doing?

  • Bumpkin

    Morning Jen. I'm doing okay thank you for asking. I will keep you up to date on how I'm doing.

    Do you have a Mathmos?

  • Bumpkin

    Email me Jenn. this is Bumpkin
  • Mark Goo

    So cute. Love that avatar!
  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    hi Jen

    not seen you about recently, hope you're well.
    I will deffo package the lamp properly this weekend, been realy busy and suffering with my new job. very sorry. i know you're not desperate for it, but i don't want you to think i won't send it on.
    be good.
    Lucy x
  • goodude26

    No biggie, Jen. I can't figure out the chat thing either. The public chat, yes. But not the other.

    Talk to you later.

  • Ford Prefect - NPNG

    I sent you the dims the other day.
    Hope you're alright.

    HI Jen! Thanks for the info. I have been watching both of them. How much should I pay for an alien lamp do you think?? I want one pretty badly...but I don't want to break the bank!! lol!
    Thanks for thinking of me!!!

    Thanks for checking on that for me Jen!! I cerainly appreciate it!! The aliens go out in a day or so....Wish me luck!!!
    I just finished making a few liquor lamps. (It took me a while...I had to drink all the booze *hic*!) But I think that they turned out nicely. If you get a chance check them out on my pictures.
    Thanks again for the Alien lamp info. I'll let you know if I score them!

    Actually the liquor lamps were very easy...
    Step #1 Drink liquor
    Step #2 Crawl to bed, sleep for 2 days
    Step #3 Get up--Take 5 asprin
    Step #4 Clean bottles.
    Step #5 Find bases that fit
    Step #6 Pour contents from extra lamp
    Step #7 Plug in & ENJOY!! (more asprin are optional at this time)
  • Mark Goo

  • MattMJB0188
