Gwen Williams


United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I dream regularly of having a room devoted to my lava lamps
Where I Live:
Duluth, MN
My First Lava Lamp was:
Watching was the one my grandfather got as a gift, I will inherit it one day, the first I owned was my clear/purple vintage from goodwill
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
somewhere between 100 and 200
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
It's a tie between my Colossus (El Macho) and my Saturna.

Comment Wall:

  • Erin

    Welcome to the Goo! Nice to have you here. :)
  • Modulo '70

    Hi Gwen, nice to have you aboard the 'Lava Boat'
  • Modulo '70

    Thanks for letting me be your first 'lava friend'.
  • Mike Armando

    Thanks for the Welcome Gwen.  Glad to have found the site.

  • Jim

    Some night, while you are sound asleep, that poor critter will rise up and strike you down.  I expect he will be wearing you as a pelt.

  • Matthew Jensen

    Thanks, I'm excited to be a part of the community.  Nice to find others that are into these addictive mood-altering devices.  

  • Captn Johnny

    Gwen thanks for the welcome ! This place is great ! Its really cool to have a place to share one of my pasions . looking forward to meeting the members and hanging out.
                            Thanks so much Captn Johnny

  • lava luva ~ Tiffany

    thanks for welcoming me :) this group is really awesome and im stoked to be a part of it!

  • Michelle Walters

    Thank you so much! This site is awesome and very helpful!
  • Thorsten

    Gwen, thank you for the welcome. I am lucky to find this community. The site is really great and very interesting. 

  • Mark Goo

    Thank you so much for all your help around here saying hi to new members and everything else!    :-)


    Thank you very much as I am very happy to be in this club as I am a lava lamp freak!

  • William Bowen

    Thanks Gwen!
  • Boadacia Iceni

    Thanks, I'll get busy on it ASAP. :)

  • Jim

    Happy Birthday Gwen!  The timing on securing that Saturna couldn't be better.  What a gift!!!

  • Aladdin 2 Lava

    " Happy Birthday"  :)

  • Marcus Schroenn

    Hi Gwen
    I fear I'm out of my depth here - I know next to nothing about lava lamps except that I like them and have been on the lookout for an old one for a long time. I recently saw one at a flea market that I'd like some advice on - basically the wax inside had formed a thick layer of solid sediment at the bottom of the lamp. The guy selling it said it simply hadnt been used for a very long time, but it looked to my untrained eye like it was quite far gone. The brass casing was in amazing condition though - it's one of those lantern styled lamps. So I'm hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction, or answer my question - ie is it possible for the wax to stop working, or should it continue to work as long as the cannister is never opened, and the bulb is working (which apprently it is)?


  • Jannie Junk

    Hello Gwen. Thank you for your welcome.

    Sorry I  haven't been active since joining. From about April through to Oct is my "working week" so I'm up to my neck. I will pop in more regularly on my "week-end off" (from Oct through to Apr - chuckles).

    I joined witht the intention of asking about a couple of Lava Lamps I've got but I really haven't had 30 seconds to spare since joining.



  • lava luva ~ Tiffany

    Red Ribbon