Claude J


United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Collector, small business owner, custom vehicles, Garden Railroads, Model Maker craftsman
Where I Live:
Western Illinois
My First Lava Lamp was:
heritage 16.3 blue//white
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
350+ and growing
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
MathmosLunar and my Chrome Colossus

Comment Wall:

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  • Wil


  • jake erschenman

    Thank you, Claude.  Your wisdom is one of the reasons I decided to rejoin og.  Please see my post about creating a multi bulb, multi column homemade lamp.  Or don't.  You appear very busy.  Haha, thanks again for the welcome.

  • Elias

    Thank you! :) been lurking around for decades, but finally took time to make an acc :)

  • Rach

    I just noticed your ebay account name -- I have bought 6 lamps from you since May 2. My User ID is thecornpuffstore. I can't wait to get my new Safaris!! Also your ebay store is awesome! :)

  • Brian Beaver

    Claud J,

    can you send me your eBay store name again. I accidentally deleted your last comment

    Some times I’m a little slow using new forums. Sorry

    Brian Beaver

  • Lorenzo Gerace

    Thanx! Nice to be here.

  • Mr T

    Thank you Claude J

    I will enjoy using the site and find plenty of useful information.

  • Carolin Backes

    Thanks, Claude! 

  • Wil Holder

    thank you....

  • Jonathan Zada

    Thanks Claude!

  • AZ

    Thank you! Good to be here - such a unique forum. I love it.

  • FET

    Thank you!

  • Jess KCR

    Thanks Claude! 

  • Hazel Gonzalez

    Thank you,!

  • marco

    thank you for the warm welcome....

  • Harris Brown

    Thanks Claude

    I am glad to be part of the community.  I am waiting for a couple more lamps to arrive and then I will take a photo

  • Matthew

    thank you very much :)

  • K Mertes

    Thank you! I'm excited I found Oozing Goo. I Lava it a lot!

  • Joe wallner

    Thank you

    this looks like an awesome group here. Glad to be part of it.

  • Dakota Searcy

    Thabks so much for the addition! Happy to be here

  • Addison Cihlar

    Thanks for the add Claude ! Also, the compliment on the lamp I am so stoked about that find, I honestly couldn't believe it was available and for sale  !

  • Sarah McCabe

    Hey Claude! Thanks for the welcome! Happy to be here!

  • Mick P

    Thanks a lot, Claude. Looking forward to getting my parents' vintage Astro back up and running.

  • Clinton W Salvato

    Thank You!  Looking forward to being more involved in the community, and learning more about Lava Lamps.  As I put in my information, I've had one for over 20 years, and just used it.  Didn't really know much about the background of them, or get involved in  a community for them.  I was really excited to find out they're still for sale today.  I hadn't seen any in several years, so thought they had died out, and the one I had was now a historic relic that I didn't want to lose :). While I don't have any of the really old classics, at least the new ones I have gotten still resemble the original design.  My oldest one is the one from 1996, I got second hand.  Beyond that I don't know who made it, or generation it is.  It still works though.

  • Clinton W Salvato

    Thanks Claude, I was able to at least narrow it down to being part of the Midnight Series listed there.  I have a couple of uncertainties though.  First: the top cap is black, but is more pointed like the top on one of the rocket models.  The other thing is, all the pictures don't show a lamp with the color liquid and wax mine has.

    See included pic.  The lamp in question is the tallest in that particular set, and the one that's off.

  • Clinton W Salvato

    Thanks so much.  Sound like I have something unique then, or at least because it was a second hand lamp, someone combined two lamps.  Maybe the original cap got damaged.  Though I've seen the same lamp in Youtube videos, but no one ever said what it was exactly.  As I've mentioned though, it's gotten to the point where I've considered retiring it, to simply a show piece.  While all the new ones are on a 6 hour cycle and then turn off for at least 4 to 8 hours in between use to rest.  This old one takes maybe about 3 hours and then really starts to have the wax separate until it becomes one big mess of blobs.  Sometimes little ones will continue to move around but then it gets to the point where it just sits there and hardly moves until cooled down.

    That's why I pulled it out of the main display in the living room, it just can't seem to handle the same runtime the new ones can anymore.  Sure it works, and heats up, moves around , etc.  However, it doesn't seem to keep consistency after it's been on a while as the other do.  Since I'm just now learning more about these lamps, when should Consider one at end of life? Like I said, it was manufactured in 96, I got it over 20 years from a thrift store so I don't know it's history prior to that.  I know for me, I've used it randomly e.g. I used it regularly for a few years, then it sat for years just as a visual attraction, but off.  Now  in the last year or so, I've started using it more, and have since noticed declining health.

    Anyway thanks for helping me at least partially identify it

    By the way, with today's tech, I was hoping to see more smart Lava Lamps available.  As it is, I have my main display connected to an Amazon smart plug, and a 6 outlet power strip connected to said plug so, at least I can automate them to turn off and on, on a schedule, or use voice control to turn them off, or on.  Just would be nice to see a model with the smarts built into the lamp.  Have a good night, and thanks again.

  • catharine czudej

    Thanks glad to be an official lava head!!!

    I have a question already! 

    pertaining to surfactants:

    is there one you like? and what's the deal with nameless additives???

  • Blender Bach


  • Susan

    Hi there, thanks for the welcome :)

  • Lynn A

    Hi, thank you so very much for the welcome!

  • Kinsey Mantay


  • Benjamin Terracina

    Hey Claude, nice to see you on here. Thanks for all the great stuff you sold me on eBay.

  • Rhonda Warren


  • Lavalicious

    Thank you for the warm welcome, Claude! I'm very happy to be here :)

  • RahRahRasputin


  • Tina Davis

    Thank you. Lava lamps have become a past time of mine of lately.

  • Sandy Swapp

    thank you Claude:}

  • Eddy P

    Thanks for the add. 

  • Denett Pierce

    Can i get the price on a starburst 4000 16-18” spray??

  • Eric

    Glad to be here.

  • John


  • Albin Westerin

    Thank you! I'm thrilled to be here :)

  • Mark weiler


  • Duane Smith

    Thank you!

  • Laurie

    I'm new to this group

    Thank you Claude!

  • MB

    Thank you Claude!

  • John Dunderbeck


  • Petrof Magician

    Thanks a lot Claude!

  • T Spencer

    Thank you Claude!