Claude J


United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Collector, small business owner, custom vehicles, Garden Railroads, Model Maker craftsman
Where I Live:
Western Illinois
My First Lava Lamp was:
heritage 16.3 blue//white
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
350+ and growing
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
MathmosLunar and my Chrome Colossus

Comment Wall:

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  • Darren sykes

    Thank you Claude!

  • Chuck

    Thanks,got any pics of your collection
  • Medicspinzzz


  • Chuck

    Thanks, but how do I see your profile

  • Chuck

    Where is the best source for refill kits?
  • Tom Bracken

    Thanks Claude,

    What I need to find out, is where to purchase a Goo-Kit . Magma Tower is closed down in terms of being able to order anything online, from them, due to Cov19.

    I have a large "Grand" 26 inch lava lamp that I want to refurbish with new wax.

    I think a nice Neon Color would be what to put inside of it, for "Goo".

    I collect Lava lamps , and at one point was up to about 10 or 12 of them.

    I now have 2 "Grands",  and some smaller normal size ones, that I run.

    A tip for you, for running or operating a Grand, is to take the box it is in, and insulate

    the box with yellow or pink fiber glass insulation.  You can then at the end of the day

    switch off the "Grand" lava lamp, and remove the bottle and put it into this insulated

    cardboard container , overnight.  The next day, "Start up" will only take maybe 15 or 20

    minutes of time, and not the full 6 or 8 hours from room temp, to get the wax flowing.

    Thanks for your help , on this , and any other information you would like to share with

    me about your own experiences using and owning Lava lamps!



  • Martin Hundhausen

    Thank you

  • Robin

    Thank you, Claude.

  • NadeMagnet

    Thanks. And thanks for the help you gave me a while ago on my color changing lamps. I can't remember if I thanked you before. Here's how they turned out.

  • Jake


  • Duane K

    I got your messsage, couldn't quickly figure out how to direct reply here. Yeah we can discuss larger quantities. I'm busy for a few days, but we can talk more soon
  • Vashell

    Thanks so much for the welcome appreciate you.

  • Paul

    Claude, thank you. Is there any known way to to narrow down the year based on the Issue no. printed on the sticker? 

  • Barry Kilborn

    Hi Claude.  Many thanks for the welcome.   Excited to be a part of this community.  All the best!   Barry 


  • Brad

    Thanks for the welcome. I am currently searching for a ‘90’s Silver Streak 8625, is there a buy/sell page on the site? I have been mostly getting info and learning and haven’t checked everything out yet. I did notice that the “shop” link seems to be broken. 

  • ticon

    hello claude thank you for welcoming me delighted to be part of this group my name is roman and i am a french escape game decorator i have a project for a cyberpunk room to build a giant lava lamp do you know any suppliers for the liquid who can sell me in large quantities and I would really like to exchange with someone to avoid the problems that can be encountered on the construction of such a lamp :) sorry for my English if there are mistakes it is because of google translate ;))))) in advance thank you
  • Zac Amendolia

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • KittenChops

    Hey there! How's Lava Lab going?! Any updates on when your product will be ready for purchase?

    Hi Claude,

    Thanks for the welcome message.

    If you could let me have an email address (if that's allowed?) we can have a chat about my rocket lamps and stuff. Interested in your liquid kits, very inventive, must have taken some organising.


  • Ghost225


  • Ghost225

    Thanks Claude! I found this forum via your youtube


  • Mattgyver92

    Thanks for the welcome message, Claude. I'll sit down tonight and try to find my way around a little bit on here.

  • Peter

    Thank you - I'm a long time lurker in these pages!

  • Tom Bracken

    Hello Claude,

    Do you know if this website sells Goo Kits, for making one's own goo to put

    into a existing lava lamp.  I have a giant 26 inch lava lamp that currently is empty

    and I need lava wax for it.  Thanks . Tom

  • Tom Bracken

    Thanks very much Claude.

    I think I asked you this months ago, and you said you where just about ready

    to start up this website, however I didn't book mark it down.

    Do you ship to Canada?



  • Tom Bracken

    Hello Again Claude,

    I just checked your website and it looks like you

    also sell Florescent dyes for the wax. I haven't seen this before in a lava lamp.

    I would assume that this makes the color much brighter in terms of looking at it.

    Thanks again for your help.


  • Mina

    Thanks for the welcome! 

  • LavaDrunkLavaPunk

    Thank you!

  • Jay Fulton

    Thanks for adding me!!
  • Kay Gee

    Thank you very much!

  • Trip Raceman


  • Karl


  • Tyler Calkins

    Thank You.

  • Eli

    Thank you!

  • duncan Forsyth

    many thanks indeed  -

  • Arley Bindschadler

    Thanks for  the welcome , I have 2 none working lamps now  My last one just gave up after I stores it to long . Ran well for acouple of years . I have tried 2X to replace the wter with no luck , so I am going to try  again soon . My instuctions were seval yrs old so looking for new ones in hopes it will work out better , Have not found any new ones , where are they ?

    Any way hope to get started soon . Wife said just get a new one , Where is the fun in that . Guess I like to torture myself .

    Thanks again 




  • Keith Turner

    Thanks for accepting me to your group, great place to see all lava lamp appreciation. I have three Telstar lamps, and aspire to owning a Luna one day, if only :))

  • Aletha

    Thank you :)

  • Max Power


  • John

    Thank you very much look forward to reading an learning.
  • Pierluigi

    Thank you so much! I've reached here as I have a lava lamp, which I love, that's gone cloudy. I hope to find some wway to get her back to ( almost ) clear.

  • Pierluigi

    It's definitively after 2003, it should be something link 2015 or similar. It's not a branded one, as it could have been bought from ebay or similar, something like a chinese one. 
    I'm really in love with her so I would try to fix if possible.
    What's this "cycling" stuff you're talking about ? 

    Do you mind to explain better, please ?

    Moreover, how can I check if the fluid is only distilled water ? By smell ? 
    Thanks a lot.

    ( If you prefere I will  open a new thread on this ).

  • Paul Moses

    Thanks for the welcome Claude I appreciate it.  I only have Mathmos as have had no good luck with the new china made lavalamp/lite.   One pic from last week of 4 out of the 6 I have Astros ... a few are custom  with blue on red.  

    Just a quick setup to see how it all looked together ... now have 2 in living room 2 in office at home  and one in kids room and one at work.   Too many converters in that pic  lol to step up from 120v to 240v..  Just wanted to get some ideas. 

    I greatly appreciate all the info i have found here as to date.   I prefer the SES bulbs over halogen but can make them work .. the two silvers I have  are from the 90's  with that glow below as if they are hovering ... hard to find these days. 

    Thank you.IMG_0225.jpeg

    Lots of great info to be found here and appreciate all.   

  • FlippinDocks

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I've been mesmerized by the lamps since I was 8 yo. I'm 51 now. I only own 4, but love them dearly.
  • Kyle Icke

    Thank you
  • Oyster Bay Antiques

    Thanks Claud J, Hey, check out the two pics I put on my page. There will be more soon.

  • Vonhonabon

    Thank you Claude-  VERY happy to be here. I am looking for a Mediterranean wrought iron lava lamp in any condition. Please let me know if you run across or know of anyone who might be willing to sell. Looking forward to getting to know the website- thanks for having it available for us.

  • Will

    Thank you.  Happy to have such a great resource for repairing lava lamps.

  • earwaxlamp

    Thank you Claude. Pleased to meet you.