
46, Female

Oklahoma City, OK.

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I have become obsessed with lava lamps. I love vintage everything, especially lava lamps. My favorite is the Consort. I've yet to find one. I really love tweaking cheap lamps. I get a great sense of accomplishment when I fix a lamp that was not flowing or cloudy!
Where I Live:
Oklahoma City
My First Lava Lamp was:
My first lava lamp was bought on E-bay. It is an aristocrat with a starlight base from the 70's. It no longer has it's original wax but it is still, by far my favorite!

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  • Autumn

    Red Ribbon
  • Erin

    Love your lamps! What a neat collection.
  • Keith

    Hi Jennifer!  So, how are you and the family?  Your daughter will be 7 right?  Brandon will be 7 in January.  What an adventure it's been!!