Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I found this for $3 at a garage sale today, so I got it. I had to take apart the base and put the light bulb in, then out it back together with the bulb. The bulb would not screw in all the way before. It was impossible. But now it works :) it's pretty cool.

Views: 135


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Comment by Ian on June 4, 2014 at 5:56pm
Thanks!! It's actually a really shot red and clear globe I think, the wax is a deep blood red when on and dark browinsh red when off. It is a china globe, but it flows just like a good USA globe. Literally, it's not even like a china globe at all. It's from 2005. This one is number 4 out of 4. There is also a 60s lamp, a 70s lamp, and an 80s lamp.
Comment by VOXul on June 3, 2014 at 4:14pm

That coil looks like it is surfing the wax Nice score at $3!

Comment by Tim Gill on June 3, 2014 at 3:58pm

Absolute score, is it chocolate wax or is it a bit old / used as the water looks somewhat discolored.

Comment by G. T. on June 3, 2014 at 5:33am

What a deal!  NIce lamp, Ian.


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