Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Getting my Chinese made lava lite to perform like an American. I hope that the bubbles calm down. I would rather see the bubbles than a non moving lamp.

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Comment by Brian on October 3, 2015 at 7:27pm
Yep this one is a lost cause. It was one of the early Chinese lava lites. Fixed one, but this one can't be. It didn't want to move, wax is transparent, and acted like it was running cold. So I tried to use surf and now it runs in a continuous column. Tried dimmer and and when it does blob, it falls down like a rock and looks like halfway deflated balloons. Almost like it is running cold. But, if I set it just a tad more power, it columns. Also tried a 40w on dimmer and same thing. No matter how hot it gets, it columns. Oh well, looks wicked as fast as it moves.


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