Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Got tired of the infinite column and dumped out the liquid. Added distilled water and drops of surf and got it back to just doing one ball at a time.

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Comment by Carol on October 9, 2015 at 9:04pm

Ok Brian, that is what I was wondering.  I have some new LL wax I wanted to try and put that in a globe and experiment with distilled and surf.  It will probably need PG though because it is newer china wax.  I may try anyway.  Can't lose anything.  It's just sitting in an empty macaroni salad tub, lol!!

Comment by Brian on October 8, 2015 at 8:27pm
Yes, was one of the older ones when lava lite started outsourcing to China. I got this one around 2007 I think. It is weird that the wax is translucent. It's the only Chinese lamp I have that is like that. The surfactant I used on this one was miracle bubbles and it was just that and distilled water. The wax in this one was really interactive with the miracle bubbles and the early test run turned into an infinite column. Restarted and did a drop at a time with waiting 15mins in-between to add another drop, so I could get it the way I wanted. Other Chinese lamps I've been fixing lately needed propylene glycol just to get the wax flowing.
Comment by Carol on October 4, 2015 at 5:22pm
Brian and u say that is ll china wax?
Comment by Brian on October 4, 2015 at 4:07pm

felt adventurous and added a few more drops of surf and bam! a perfect flowing lamp! Now it's one of my favorites to watch!


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