Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

None of the ones I've won off eBay have had flower rings. So I'll be making yet another one. The lava on this one is snot green. Don't know what the original color combo of this one was supposed to be, but I'd like to dye the liquid a light blue.

Views: 163

Albums: 70s Lamps


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Comment by Erin on July 25, 2012 at 9:00pm

I really would like to color the liquid a little bit. The green is pretty awful when flowing, color-wise. 

Comment by Derek Hyde on July 25, 2012 at 4:16pm

Erin, this is the exact same color as one of my regular Enchantress Planters.  I was wondering if it was a Champagne Mist, but wasn't sure.  My liquid is more clear than this one.  The lava is the exact same color.  You don't like it as is?  I sort of really do now once I got used to it.

Comment by Erin on July 25, 2012 at 7:06am

Jonas, you are a gem. This is exactly what I was wanting to know. Original color and how to get the cap off! So, this is a "mist" then? How can you know for sure? How do you tell the difference between mist and cloudy old lamp? I'd like to keep this original; you think the original liquid color was green?

Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on July 25, 2012 at 6:34am

This is one of the few old models I love that I still haven't found, by the way, and the cloudy liquid is, of course, original; the original liquid color would have been cloudy green. Light blue would look nice, too. The original Enchantress 'elegant' colors are blue/light blue, green/light green, yellow/orange and red/green, though after the "mist" liquid idea ended they came in the standard orange/yellow and green/blue too.

Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on July 25, 2012 at 6:31am

I say go for it as far as coloring the liquid. The cap on these is in two parts: the bottles came with a conical, polished gold plastic cap with a narrow reeded pattern, and in most (but not all) cases a metal cap was glued over it. You might try VERY gently warming the cap, like by dipping the top half (holding the globe upside-down) in very hot water for a minute. The metal cap should work free eventually, and then the plastic cap unscrews.

Comment by Erin on July 24, 2012 at 5:32pm

Anyone know how to get the caps off these things? It turns, but does not unscrew. I've tried pulling it straight off. Doesn't work either. HELP ME!

Comment by Erin on July 23, 2012 at 8:42pm


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