Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

It looks perfect.

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Comment by Lär on December 2, 2010 at 7:54am
Are you saying that Lava Lite finally has their act together and has gotten the chinese to put out a proper, clear lamp?! I bought a pumpkin halloween 32 oz in white lava, orange liquid recently. The lava was almost clear and the liquid so cloudy and opaque that you couldn't see a thing happening when warm. I've run it for a few weeks and the lava is almost opaque white. The liquid is still hard to see anything through but is a slightly clearer. I might have to filter it to get a good clarity. I also bought a 20oz and 32oz orange liquid and black lava. These were semi cloudy but not too bad. What filtering device did you use? I don't want to spend the $$ on a good backpacking water filter so I'm hoping a cheap Brita pitcher filter will do. Any ideas? Thanks


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