Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

New Astro in daylight. Looks pink but is actually really red. Using Panasonic lumix model from 08. Love that flow.

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Comment by Critter on October 28, 2014 at 11:57am
Chuck you won't know until you try this one. The Smart Astro bottle runs at a different heat level than a regular Astro. I think you would end up needing a lower wattage bulb for the Smart Astro bottle.
Comment by ChuckM on October 28, 2014 at 11:34am
I have never had a smart Astro. I don't know if reworking is possible. Doesn't the smart use LEDs and a heating element? I don't know what you would swap in unless there are off the shelf replacement parts that fit.
Comment by Brad on October 28, 2014 at 10:22am

i'm glad this modification is working for you all.  my blue/blue astro has been flowing perfectly for the past 5 years with this modification.  i've also run it for a few days at a time and it did not overheat.

Comment by Walter on October 27, 2014 at 11:47pm

Thanks Chuck!

I used a buddies tin snips on the keyless fixture and it worked quite well. I would suggest it but be careful.  If you cut to much you are screwed.  I cut a few times just shaving a little at a time and testing to see if it fit. Just bought a standard 40 watt bulb (can't remember the name of the style).  I did not however put in a dimmer.  So far I am happy with the straight hook up from the wall.  I haven't had the time to run it for more than 6 hours so I am curious to see if it overheats at some point.  Might have to implement the dimmer at some point.

Question for you:  Have you ever rewired a Smart Astro?  Somebody is selling a base unit on ebay right now from the UK and I am thinking about jumping on it.  I have wanted one for a few years now.



Comment by ChuckM on October 27, 2014 at 9:08pm
...and good job by the way!

The hardest part is filing down the metal part on the keyless fixture for me... only have to do another one though...
Comment by ChuckM on October 27, 2014 at 9:07pm
Hey Walter, I was about to reply on your thread since I have rewired several new Astros... glad to see it worked out for you! I ended-up using a simple lamp extension cord (SPT-2) and an in-line dimmer that takes SPT-2 cord and have started putting a dimmer on these as well. What bulb did you use? I started using reflector bulbs in mine. In my heritage black lava, I tried using expensive Euro-style 110V bulbs that fit in the original lamp fixture and found that the bulb didn't get hot enough for black lava. It melts the blue lava in a Heritage, though.... so that is the only lamp that I left original (but will change it eventually). I decided that I didn't want to invest in those bulbs and plug adaptors.I feel good once I convert it too... feel like I accomplished something!
Comment by Carol on October 24, 2014 at 11:03pm

It's weird how red always photographs pink!!!  Looks like it's flowing great!!!!  Is that the one you rewired???


Comment by Critter on October 24, 2014 at 4:17pm

Very Nice.

Comment by VOXul on October 24, 2014 at 1:52pm

Very Nice Walter!  I have the pink model and when it is turned off the wax looks purple, tricky tricky Mathmos!


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