Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

OK I took a chance on this item not knowing too much about them? is that a good deal? anyone familiar with these? I think its pretty cool, definitely not what I had expected

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Comment by D Newnham on February 6, 2012 at 10:00am

Would you do me a favour please and measure the height of the orange oil in the clear section. i am topping one up at the moment. Anyone know how to colour the heavier liquid in one of these? I assume a wave machine has the same liquid.

Comment by Don Souliere on March 24, 2011 at 3:38pm
Thanks weebo, that is what I am thnking too. I believe it's worth a lot more than 30
Comment by WeeboTech on March 24, 2011 at 12:34pm

Maybe someone just wanted to get rid of it and did not know the value of it.

Good score none the less.

Comment by Don Souliere on March 24, 2011 at 9:40am
But that's the thing though, it was a buy it now for 29.99 and it was up for 20 min on a sunday morning.
Comment by WeeboTech on March 24, 2011 at 4:44am

Those volcano lamps used to be highly sought after. I've seen them go for big dollars.

If you got it for $30, then that's the current market value. Apparently they are not sought after any more or people are just holding onto their funds. 

Comment by Don Souliere on March 23, 2011 at 5:42pm
I agree I won't be a collector of these, it's nice to have at least one.. I am afraid to use it a lot, just in case the pump goes on it. Most likely sell it hoping I can get a lot for it.
Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on March 23, 2011 at 5:39pm
Cheesy and not my thing, but it has a charm to it. I'd jokingly call it an "iBlender", but I think it's a pretty unusual liquid motion lamp.
Comment by Don Souliere on March 22, 2011 at 4:13pm

LMAO at Rici =)  Today was water delivery day, you see my empties.


Jonas is 100% correct, thats that it is and does, I also have the original box and paperwork with it. The sound is very cheesy. if you play it at lowest setting its ok, but the louder the worse it gets. I still feel that this is worth a lot more than 30 bucks IMO. how do you guys feel about it?

Comment by Rici Faulkner on March 22, 2011 at 8:29am
Hey, can I have one of those water bottles in the background?  i need something to put pennies in.  HAHAHAHA
Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on March 22, 2011 at 4:12am

These were officially called Magma Lamps (not to be confused with the rotating, motorized "Magma Lites" from Lava in the late 90s). They came in at least three if not four colors, I think green, pink, blue and orange, and for those reading who haven't seen one, air is blasted up through the colored oil, throwing fountains into the clear liquid (think Wave Machine liquids). One either loves or hates these, I think, and they weren't sold for very long.


How's the sound on yours, Don? The ones I saw produced a sort of cheesy, tinny "Woosh!! Woooooosh!!" when they spouted (something like a Wave Machine sound but more forceful and much less realistic) and I think they had a volume control.


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