Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Blue after fading - pretty happy with this - I'll get another blue/blue down the track I reckon so that I have a "pure" one. Would love a blue/white astro but never seen one for sale... anyone have pics of one?

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Comment by Reszound on July 9, 2009 at 6:39pm
Yep it is but I didn't do it myself. It's the current model astro and it's not fully reflective but is halfway between the brushed look and the baby look. It throws more light out the bottom than the older ones too. The bottle is actually circa 2000ish. The base is a little higher and more elegant than the older one which looks a little squat by comparison. This means that the bottle sits a fraction deeper in the base and warms up quicker. "Whitey" gets going about 45 minutes before bluey does, and blue has a double coil in it...
Comment by Soeren Nielsen on July 9, 2009 at 4:35am
It looks as if the white Astro base is polished. Did you do this yourself? As far as I can see Mathmos only offers a brushed version of the Astro.
Comment by Gone For Good on March 10, 2009 at 10:05am
I have "made" a blue/white Astro. mathmos really are missing a trick with this combo..it is fabulous.


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