Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lucy bought a Green / Clear jet as one of our first lamps and we knew that there was something not right with the wax. So we ended up replacing it.

After getting to know a few of the wonderful people on this site, and speaking to DJTrevrok almost every day for god knows how long, lol. We ended up swapping bottles, mine were for this project and to be honest it didnt matter if I messed it up as it was just for a trial.

This is the First pic, just to show the Badness of the green.

This was bad so i decided to take a few tips and emptied nearly all of the master fluid and heated it in a bain marie to not do any damage to the bottle

After heating the wax and emtying the bottle and cleaning it out with hot water, re lined the glass with WD-40. and filled it with the wax kindly donated by the one and only DJ on the site!

After a few hours i noticed that the wax was sticking so I emtied it and relined it again and refilled it.

It still sticks a little at the bottom but it does not detract from the look. After all like I said it was my first project and I think that there is many more to come in the future. After all the hard work, this is the final running result.

Thanks for reading this. Hopefully you find this interesting. We will be glad to hear any comments you have

Peace, Love and Lava

Sammy-T and Lucy

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Comment by matt on March 17, 2009 at 10:16pm
what did you use for wax?candle/canning? Or did you blend the wax with a second ingredient.
Comment by MyFriendGoo on September 14, 2008 at 7:13pm
nice metallic wax. were did you get itDJT?
Comment by Modulo '70 on September 2, 2008 at 5:55am
Good job Sam! Love the colour


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