Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I don't have to worry about this now, but when I was in college some one played a prank on me and stole all the caps off the tops of my lava lamps, making them all, well bald and incomplete. For about two weeks I panicked wondering if I would ever get them back, at the time I had about 14 lamps in the room, and some of the caps were for offbrand lava lamps that would have been almost impossible to find! Without having to buy the entire lamp which would leave me with two lamps, one complete and one incomplete, luckily they were all returned, I and I didn't have to go though all the work of finding new caps.

So I was wondering if any of you ever had that problem rather it was losing a cap, or buying a lamp without it's cap/top, where would I have to start looking if I do come across a lamp at a yard sale that I really want, but alas has no cap.

thanks for any input on this matter

also this is my first blog here

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Comment by Chris on October 1, 2016 at 2:46am
My friend found a lava lamp minus the top at an antique shop...i took a sapporo beer can, chopped the bottom off and it fit rather well on top
Comment by Turtlecross on March 29, 2013 at 11:59pm

If it's just the regular caps. Susan at Lava Lite sent me some I was missing.So check with Lava Lite. Her contact # is on the Colossus discussion. It's were I started, and it worked for me. I find lamps at the goodwill often times missing the caps.

Comment by Ben on March 29, 2013 at 12:25pm
Welcome, Ray. I'm fairly new here myself. The theft of LL caps should be a felony. As should using the cap for an ashtray, which is what happened to one of mine before I bought it on CL.
Comment by Gwen Williams on March 24, 2013 at 1:35pm

Occasionally a lone cap will show up somewhere like ebay and many on here have a few extra caps. I am a little off the wall but when I have a lamp without a cap I just put another random object that fit on top, i have lamps with tiny baseball caps, caps from spray paint, little monsters from the machines at the grocery store, all sorts of stuff, I just put something on to make the lamp look funny more or less


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