Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm having absolutely no luck finding a Spray for my fantasia sunburst 4000.  Does anybody know where I could find a replacement.   I have the base already..  thank you in advance

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Comment by MileHigh on December 6, 2017 at 6:42pm

Yes the best/easiest way to get a good spray is to find a lamp that already has one.

I have a large collection of fiber optic lamps and I spent several years buying duplicate lamps just so I could get good sprays for all of mine.

When you do see a spray for sale it is usually just as expensive as a new lamp anyways.

Now, if you don't care if the spray is original then you could use a brand new German made spray.

The new German glass sprays are actually quite nice and I use several of them.

The only problem is that their not as wide as a Fantasia spray. ( they fit European lamps perfectly )

So to make it fit nicely on a Fantasia lamp you have to wrap a little tape around it's end to make it wider.

When using it on a Sunburst lamp the tape has to be wrapped very evenly or the spray will lean to one side.

You can see pictures of the German sprays on my Fantasia Solar 1 lamps here -  


The sprays/brushes come in 14,000 and 10,000 fibers and they can be purchased here -  


Comment by The Lamp Caretaker on December 6, 2017 at 5:25pm

It's hyper rare to find a spray for the Fantasia 4000.  I've only seen one in the last three years come up on Ebay and it sold for almost 400.00

No one makes these sprays because they are crazy hard to make and the materials to make them are not readily available and expensive.    I wish you all the luck in the world.  In my opinion your better off buying a lamp with a good spray otherwise you're going to be looking for an awful long time for a spray to come to auction.  Took me years to find a Fantasia 4000 lamp in excellent condition and I rarely display the lamp in order to keep the spray full and the lamp looking new. When I do display - all I get from guests are oohs and aahs.  


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