Merry Christmas! and it's almost the end of the year.
Looking back at my old post, it's been a while and lots of things happened.
Where did I like lava lamps? Back then when I was a child I was in a phase being obsessed with oil clocks/timers. Little bright translucent blobs going up and down in a clear enclosed container. Brilliant little things, but they don't last. Lava lamps is the next closest thing...
I started off by acquiring a test tube lava lamp (groove tube copy) which I loved. It was clear, and it works well. I refilled it and love the lamp for what it is. I ended up shattering it when heating it over the pan.
What I didn't know that was the last one stock on the shop.
Back then there wasn't a lot of lava lamps, it was a novelty. I spent years here and there trying to grab a similar copy, but it wasn't easy to find. A lot was discontinued. And so the hunt fades away.
I must admit, for a long time, I never put priority for a lava lamp. I love them, but as much, it is still a novelty. A lovely one. I can live without it, or so I think. So it becomes this precious memory that lit a tiny corner at the back of my mind.
I remembered oogling the O1 so much. It was already too late by then even, but there was a bottle replacement still around. I managed to ordered a blue turquoise one. Heck, I didn't even have an O1. but it was just so good!
In the end the parcel never came. It it were, it would be my first mathmos.
Over the years inbetween I acquired a few unbranded lamps. Some shattered in refilling experiments. Some had rusted coil. I have a fond memory of them, I remembered the that those cheap blue ones that turn purple at the base. A tiny offbrand yellow lamp that's has rather translucent base. It was such a happy little lamp. I didn't realize it was quite rare and yellow/transparent is not a common scheme, but it was too late when I realized it. A blue yellow bullet one which rocks-still have it-that alternates between bases time to time. A golden one (which gets cloudy soon) but filled the room with hazy, morphing shadows. Far from glitterballs, fluidium, centurys, grandes here. But they're in my cabinet. Oh, and I tracked down a test tube lamp, and got one as well, although it was a bad egg.
Few years ago, After things calmed down. I was looking around the internet when it appeared again in my mind. Of course I know, an O1 is just a dream, a distant one. But the brother still in line of production. I always hesitated because an astro isn't cheap, nor the even fireflows. But I still managed to get one.
and I fell in love again.
It is little, but I can't believe how good the flow is. It would be my first "branded", "proper" lava lamp. By then, I knew rigth away. I decide to grab an astro.
I remembered it was a special fill, and managed to get a clear-turquoise. I love it so much. It was so clear and it flows perfectly. I remember watching two columns rose alternatively, splitting bubbles everywhere. And when I clicked on, it's on. I don't need to worry about anything, it's always have a perfect flow. So when mathmos announced that they'll be releasing a white fill, I managed to get one as well. It wasn't cheap but it's worth it.
I love them. putting them next on the record table, dim the lights, and it's magic. I love the white one, as it was warm. It's perfect as a background lamp, yet it fills the room with the cream light. It got me through nights during lockdown.
Over time I acquired bottles and bottles. So far it's been an adventure. Hunting down a lava floor lamp and ended up failing due to missing the bus. Travelling miles away and got a flu for a broken carramar. Shipping fluidium away internationally from a foreign marketplace (forever grateful for that). Getting a glitter from some family who loved it.
Even deeper than O1, is aura. Back then there wasn't a lot of option (to be honest, still few even today) for candlelight lava lamps. I mean, I think mathmos smart astro is one of the most brilliant lamp innovation, but a lava lamp that stays transparent and uses candlelight? it's all in whole different ballpark, it's amazing! but getting them seems to be just even harder than mathmos. Not as far as O1, but still, quite far reach. But such an interesting and attractive design it's unforgettable. Into that corner of my memory it goes.
Earlier this year I saw a post on facebook about them and apparently they're closing down. I managed to get ahold of the owner.
For a long time I know there are talk around transparent goos..I know magma refills would do that first run but it'll turn opaque every time after.
It was hidden option on the website, but I managed to get it. It was a complete transparent aura option. And then few days after, the website went down. Thus ended the era of a brilliant lamp design.
When I unboxed and put it on, I remember, for quite longest time I've never seen anything as beautiful as that. The light reflecting the transparent blobs are just superb. Like crystallized light shards that's alive.
So far, it's been a journey. The forum has fades out a lot. I remembered the chat was still populated and there are posts everyday. I wasn't active, I wasn't an active collector and my lamps were sparse. But I like this forum, and still do, just like the lamps. It is a home, and a massive resource.
I don't know what'll happen in 10 years. Maybe I'll get an O1 someday. Maybe this forum won't last, who knows.
But I'm thankful for what it's been. Thanks to Mark and the mod teams.
As lava lamp goes, the blob goes up..and down. But that's just what it is.
Let it flow..
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