Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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At 5:07am on January 26, 2012, pascal said…

Thank you for you bienvengoo. I ma glad to be among lava lovers.

You have a very nice collection.

At 8:42am on December 15, 2011, Neveen Hegazy said…

Hello! :)

Thanks for the welcoming, and it's an honor to be among you here :))

At 11:13am on December 9, 2011, The Vman said…
Thanks. Love lava lamps but try to only collect lamps made in US. The liquid in the ones made in China just is not clear enough in my opion.
At 2:17pm on December 7, 2011, Amanda Mills said…
Kool! Do I get a tiara? I should get a sparkly tiara! 3000 goo fans is pretty impressive!
At 2:51am on December 2, 2011, Astralav said…

Thanks for your warming welcome :-)

At 2:33pm on December 1, 2011, Amer said…

Hello :)

At 11:00pm on November 21, 2011, Terry said…

Alpha, you are so, so, correct! It will be tricky, but I just do not want to buy a kit where it is all ready to go like a cake mix if you get my drift? I think you do. I want to actually make this stuff, not because I created the formula, I found the formula on oozinggoo. Not many if any that I have been able to find can actually do it, explain it and use materials that can be bought at home depot and auto parts stores.

I suspect I may fail, as I know this, you said you were a collector and not scientifically oriented. I am both those things and I just want to see if I can do it. I will say this your collection of lamps is absolutely awesome, so I think somewhere inside you lies the curiosity of a scientist in a lab. Hell if I fail I do, but you have already succeeded with your beautiful collection. How many people have what you put together? Not many. I want to see if this is possible for me to do without a fancy lab, no help etc. Then let's say I pull it off? Big question there I know. But if I do I would want your insight on designs, what you like and why and then I will go for beauty.

Sorry to ramble on, I just must get off my ass and try it, as I said, I have all the stuff I think I need. I have about $60 invested in all the crap I needed to buy. Happy Thanksgiving!

At 1:59pm on November 21, 2011, Terry said…

Hello, I got your note, and I am going to attempt to make the goo first, that seems to be the tricky part. I'll let you know how I do?? 

At 9:04pm on November 17, 2011, Terry said…

Alpha, your collection is overwhelming and I see some really unique items. Tell me are you a collector only, or do you also make your own? 

At 8:45pm on November 17, 2011, Terry said…

Thanks Alpha, this is an interesting site from what I have seen so far. I have compiled all the chemicals/materials I think I need to attempt making my very own lava lamp from scratch. I am following the "Retro Formula" that came up while searching the web. I have a purpose in mind, #1 is my pure love of the beauty of these things and secondarily I consult to my son that has a show, one of which is based on Scientific experiments. He is on YOUTUBE and has well over a million subs. and in fact that is what he does full time.


So I thought about lava lamps as being an interesting thing, not just to admire but build from the materials listed in the retro formula, I have not yet had the guts to try it out yet, I mean actually trying to build one as it is somewhat daunting when I look at how exact one must be, especially in making your own goo or lava. I am not sure I can do it, but if I can and we are all in agreement regarding posting a video, well we will see, you may see it ?. We never agree within the family 100%, but I think the idea is cool. I may well need advice from all that are interested in helping me once I try to make the lava. I know the "specific gravity " is critical here.


So thanks for the welcome, I see you must have some knowledge in the field. I have a background in science and get the concepts, the question is can I execute well enough to make one? Big question right now. I wish you well...terry

At 5:54pm on November 14, 2011, wen b said…

thanx for the welcome wish.  any idea where I can get an iconic ceramic series right now?

At 10:42am on November 7, 2011, Artista said…

Thank you for the welcome in!  Im glad to have found this  site.


At 3:15pm on November 5, 2011, Stephen Terry said…

Thanks AC.

I am looking to get some Lava Lamps and the ones here in the USA basically suck....so I gotta go to the source and get some Mathmos!  Just trying to figure out the best way to operate them here on our 120v systems......

At 10:39am on November 1, 2011, Oliver said…
Thank you for the warm welcome! :) All the best, Oliver
At 5:41am on October 27, 2011, michelle R yoder said…
Thanks for the welcome! I am happy that I could solve a mystery for everyone!
At 3:55am on October 26, 2011, Jus said…
Thanks for your friendly welcome! I'm still tryin' to figure the way things goo here, but find I fall into that "52oz cloudy yellow w/"pink" (looks red to me) Spencer's $10.98 special-that's-not-so-special cuz the big round blobs are boring and the lamp overheats" catagory. Cuz of this, I'm dreaming of my very own goo kit which surely will fill my growing globe graveyard with gorgeous globs of goo. Questions surely to follow soon. But feeling meek about posting this one that's buggin' me now...wonder if you could clarify for me? Since LavaLite (LL) lamps pretty much disappoint, ....uhm....whyyy does the oozing goo site sell them in their shop? Shhhhheit, I hope that won't step on any toes for me to ask that! I am confused! Jus
At 10:33pm on October 2, 2011, Mike Sheridan said…
Thanks for the welcome! I thought lava lamps were hit or miss when it comes to cloudiness, breaking stuff up, etc. Had no idea they could be repaired! As an avid DIYer in electronics, computers, and whatnot, lava lamps seem like a challenge! I have an empty lava lite bottle and base, and I can't wait to start using Goo Kits! Thanks again, and I hope to become active here!
At 8:02pm on September 29, 2011, kiramarie said…
could i be 27 again ???
At 7:24pm on September 29, 2011, Dr. WHAT?! said…
lol I had no idea that we weren't friends anymore, I lost a lot though months ago when i got booted so its good to be friends again! :)
At 6:28pm on September 24, 2011, thad jarvis said…
Hi, they are quite pricey but worth it. Hats off to the inventor, thank god they don't get cloudy!


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