Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Comment by Carol on August 21, 2015 at 8:47am

I really am liking the flow on this one!!!  Clarity looks good as wel!!  The thing that troubles me is that it took 3 attempts to get a good one!!  Having to lug that big parcel back to the post office, return it, and I'm sure you lost shipping??  Free shipping?  I would hope so after 3 attempts.  You have more patience then I do.  I would have ripped the thing apart and probably kitted it, lol!!!  Anyway, this is what turned me off to ordering a Grande last year.  I may have to take a ride to my Spencer's and see what their return policy is with online purchases.  I do believe I remember the guy said that most of their returns on lamps is through online shipments that arrived cloudy so I'm thinking that it is ok to return a lamp to the store that one purchases online.  HOWEVER, they do not have the anniversary lamps for sale online as of yet.  I'm hoping around the holidays, when they clear out some of their old online stock they will be selling them....I guess I may have to go directly through LL.

Comment by SpartyGalRN on August 21, 2015 at 9:25am

This one I ordered from Lava Lamp directly and it was the clearest lamp I had ever seen (on the first try). There were hardly any imperfections in the glass, except for what looks like a scratch the the very top that is cover by the cap. The base has a small dent in it, which bothers me, but my boyfriend seems to think I'm being to particular.These videos were all shot at about the 9 hour mark, so it had been on quite a while and probably too hot, but I like the blobby flow, not so much the column flow. It does both quite a bit. I love that it has a dimmer on the cord although I usually leave it on full because it gets cold otherwise.

The other grande that I have ordered 3 times is a yellow/blue from Amazon. I'm about to give up on that. Luckily shipping is free since I have Prime, but the last attempt from Amazon I tried next day. We will see if it makes a difference. Luckily I don't lug it back to the post office. When I return it Amazon provides a label if you want to drop it off at UPS yourself or you can have UPS pick it up for FREE!!!! I actually have a UPS distribution point 1/2 a mile down the road, but if they are gonna pick it up, why not let them?!?!

Anyways, like I said if this yellow/ blue comes cloudy I'm giving up and am just gonna order from Lava Lamp directly. All the lamps they have sent have been exceptionally clear. Of course I think I mentioned before that Chicago is only a 4 hour drive from my location. They usually ship and I get it the next morning around 9am via FedEx. I think FedEx does a much better job at handling it. It seems they can read and follow directions so when they see a box that says "^ This Side Up ^" and Fragile, they don't leave it upside down and drop it off the top of a tall building.

Anyways, good luck on the decision making!!! I am also thinking about a pink heritage grande. I'm sure my BF will be soo happy (insert sarcasm here)

Comment by Critter on August 21, 2015 at 9:32am
Carol. I think it only took her one attempt on ordering straight from Lava Lite. It seems like it was the Amazon yellow blue grande she had issues with. Sparty....is that correct?

I will give you all a report on my 50th Grande too later today.
Comment by SpartyGalRN on August 21, 2015 at 9:34am

Critter, you are correct. Looking forward to your report.

Comment by Keith on August 21, 2015 at 10:21am

I love all of these videos!  Beautiful color and flow, and wonderfully ethereal music!

Comment by SpartyGalRN on August 21, 2015 at 12:44pm
Thanks Keith. The vids don't do the color justice. It's beautiful in person.
Comment by Carol on August 21, 2015 at 7:03pm

Ok, thanx Sparty, I got it straight now.....btw was peeing myself at the drop it off the top of a building remark!!!!  lololol!!!  FedEx is delivering my orange/black 52 oz tomorrow.  Flow and clarity will determine whether I keep it intact or put the goods from my kit into it......news at 11, lol!!

Comment by SpartyGalRN on August 21, 2015 at 7:18pm

Carol, I just bought an orange black from Spencer's today. Last one they had. It's clear but the quality of the globe is horrible. It looks like "starry night" by van gogh. It's warming up now. Flow will determine if I keep it or it's going back.

Also, yellow/blue grande came today (again) it is only a little cloudy, globe is great and no dents in the base. Really debating what to do at this point . Warming up now as well. I guess we shall see what it looks like after running it. I may have convinced the BF to take a trip to Chicago as I want to get a clear yellow/ blue grande and I really wanna see the Beatles lamps in person.

Comment by Carol on August 21, 2015 at 7:33pm

You're lucky you can take the trip to LL!!!  I'm In Cape May, New Jersey, so it would be quite the trip, lol!!!  Try bursting that grande.  If it's just a little cloudy, try running it like 6 hours on, then let it completely cool down, then another 6 hours.....they say do this like for a week.......With the black/orange, you really can't see that lamp well in complete darkness anyway.  If it is a good flow'er and you want to keep it, if you put it next to a lamp that is lit and backlight it, you won't notice those starry occlusions.....

Comment by SpartyGalRN on August 21, 2015 at 8:00pm

Yeah, It's a little far from New Jersey!!! Thanks for the advice on both!!!


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