Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Goodwill Shipping Damage 01

Goodwill Shipping Damage 02

Goodwill Shipping Damage 03

Goodwill Shipping Damage 04

I purchased this Fantasia lamp from the online goodwill auctions. I thought it was a Centurion. To my surprise, it was a Sunburst. Upon receiving the box, I was excited and opened it. I saw some stray fibers here and there and thought ok, it happens. However after removing the lamp from the box, I saw chunks of the spray in the box and knew at that point, it was not good. I did not know this as I removed the lamp so lots of wonderful glass pieces wound up all over the floor. Took me a good hour to clean it up. In the box were the remains of the spray. A beautiful Sunburst spray trashed because of poor packing. The lamp was thrown in the box, literally - and some bubble wrap stuffed in for good measure. The spray was in a plastic grocery bag and was under the lamp.

Suffice to say, I was really pissed. Mainly for the fact that nobody took the time to pack this correctly and they destroyed something that can not be replaced. I sent off an email to them letting them know the issue and told them that I would be doing a charge back for the payment unless I hear otherwise. I don't appreciate something like this. It takes 5-10 minutes to pack something like this up - PROPERLY. So, I now have a lamp that is pretty much useless.

I have another lamp coming in from eBay. If god exists, god help them if they do a shit job.

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bummer. sorry to hear it.
sometimes people suck
Actually I am talking to the Goodwill person via email now. She is going to refund me. This is not a UPS issue and I will not have them pay for it either. It's not their fault. I told the goodwill people I will take a $40 refund and pay $10 for the lamp. I paid $50 with shipping. I thought that was very fair.
Well that's good you got your money back, hopefully you told them that the packing job was shit. Hopefully the next guy won't get his lamp in pieces.
I fell your pain Kris I got three lamps in two days a couple weeks ago and all three were damaged and i didn't get s*** back just a " i'm sorry i'm stupid " from all three. And all three where because people can't pack worth a crap.

No money back yet, still working on that. They want to pickup the lamp (issue a call ticket) and get it back. I don't want them to have the lamp honestly. I will keep it and pay them $10 for it. Just give me a $40 refund.


I would tell them to give me money back. CC reverse charge, paypal dispute, something. That's just total BS.
I tried to file a dispute on one of the lamps through pay pal,but i must have said / done the wrong thing because pay pal told me they didn't control quality, go figure.
Awww, Kris, that totally sucks! Stick it to 'em & get your freakin' money back!
Thanks guys, you all are very supportive :)


Yeah, people are terrible. I hope one day I will come across that box :D


I did send instructions right after I won the auction. The lady answering the emails was gone that day and the next day she responded and said it was already shipped. Sad part is, I checked the tracking and it had not even been picked up by UPS yet. Grr.


You need to file it as - not as described. Or something like that. Works most of the time :)


I am trying to get my funds back. They wanted to take back the lamp and as a lover and collector, nobody will appreciate it as much as me, even if it's missing the spray. It would probably wind up in the dump. Not doing that. I offered to pay $10 for the lamp and requested a $40 dollar refund. I paid like $52 or something along those lines. I really don't want a free lamp. It's not right. I am a fair guy and it always comes back 10 fold. Always :)
I hope you get a chance to keep the pretty.
Get a load of this crap.

The lady is now telling me a call ticket has gone out and they want the lamp back - all of it, before they will issue a refund. Pictures are no longer good as she can not see what the damage is. I have emailed her and spoke to her on the phone.

She said when she gets it back in, un-damaged mind you, she will give me a refund. Then she said she would be willing to put the lamp back up at a low buy it now price or starting price and let me know when that happens. This is all at her discretion again.

Pure crap. Wasted time and money.

What should I do? Should I contact my bank and have them reverse the charges? Would they? Or should I just send the damn thing back and forget about it?

Thanks guys!
Actually I am really on the fence about keeping this.
Yes... call the bank, reverse the charges & send the f#@king thing back! It's not your fault it's trashed... was this an eBay thing or straight up Goodwill?

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