Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Some guy is selling a pale pink/clear astro that he claims is a one off custom colour that mathmos made:


i've also seen a couple of others like this, possibly from the same seller.

did mathmos really make some one offs like this, or were they just limited editions? or is it just some dude who's mixed wax from different lamps to try and rack the price up?

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i did it thru paypal but it's been too long to make a claim, which is kinda my fault but Tom if you are reading this, please send the lamps and give me the tracking number, i'm NOT going to pay extra for express shipping
BYE! bored of you already!
Please, no bringing ebay fights into OG. It will not be tolerated.
Thanks Tom and Kaia.




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