Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I just picked this lamp up for shits and noticed the globe is a shape I've never seen before. Has anyone else seen these or have info on them?  Thanks!

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I just bought the exact same lamp this last weekend and noticed the same thing. No idea the purpose and can’t see a difference in the lamp itself when running. I would be interested in finding out why the design change after so many decades. 


its to stop the wax plug from floating around and causing cloudiness during shipment

Sweet. Good to know. Hope it worked. I will find out then my lamp is broken in. 

I also read somewhere that this globe shape helps to keep the coil in place and to not allow it to blow upwards or fall out of shape.

That would also be a welcome solution to the new design, 
Hoping they carry this through the entire line at some point.
I lost count of how many people complain about cloudy lamps when they arrive at their door, 
Usually resolved with cycling but one less complaint is welcome

MagmaMan said:

I also read somewhere that this globe shape helps to keep the coil in place and to not allow it to blow upwards or fall out of shape.

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