Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi thre I have dearly missed my Goo Family been away for too long! I got me a coach at a church rummage for $1.50 yes you read right $1.50 no missing numbers and it is a clear globe wutg nice bright red lava and a plastic cap with a sticker that says Coachlite the only thing I am wondering is what model do I have because the base,cap and frame are waaay to light to be copper they are more like aluminum and it doesn't have that decoration on the base where it looks like the oil is added and it doesn't even have anywhere for it to be on there at all. I think I got an amazing deal and it flows like a dream when I asked the old church lady how much it was she said a dollar fifty I almost needed new pants :P

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Sounds like you have a 4th generation coachlite. The last of the vintage models. Here's an article I wrote on the Coachlite lamps:
Perhaps no other model of lava lamp is as universally admired as th...

Great to see you, T!
Great bargain Diva, what a price for a vintage model of Coach lantern. Cool!

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