Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

"Custom" Grande from Lava Lite - Full Review (in progress)

Date purchased: September 18

Date received: September 20 (via FedEx Ground; I'm 3 hrs from Chicago, where it shipped)

Price paid: $80 total (used coupon code retail20 for 20% off)

Cap code: 17062801 (June 28, 2017)

First run: September 20 @ 6pm. 

Color choice: yellow/red globe with gold base and cap

NO dimmer on base

Initial impressions: globe is clear, wax looks good. Warming up now. NO dents or dings on base/cap. Glass seems good. Box arrived with the correct side up in 90 degree weather, so I'm happy it wasn't cloudy or anything. 

More to come...

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Is the color combo more vivid in person as I know my photos and videos, the colors are always off. Please if you can take a video one day when you have time. Looking forward to more photos.

Real curious what it really looks like in the dark. Most of the pictures I've seen make it look like the bottom of each blob is glowing yellow.

kero48 said:

Is the color combo more vivid in person as I know my photos and videos, the colors are always off. Please if you can take a video one day when you have time. Looking forward to more photos.

It's pretty vivid. I may be able to get a video tonight. It's flowing now... nearly four hours in. Not at optimum flow, but it's running. 

kero48 said:

Is the color combo more vivid in person as I know my photos and videos, the colors are always off. Please if you can take a video one day when you have time. Looking forward to more photos.

I'll get more pics, for sure. It's flowing now. 

BamaMatt said:

Real curious what it really looks like in the dark. Most of the pictures I've seen make it look like the bottom of each blob is glowing yellow.

kero48 said:

Is the color combo more vivid in person as I know my photos and videos, the colors are always off. Please if you can take a video one day when you have time. Looking forward to more photos.

That is a beautiful lamp!

Looks good Erin! Mine should be here soon I hope the globe is clear when it arrives! Its hot as hell in PA too!!!

I think it should have a dimmer as well! But I figured it wouldn't.

This morning's spike. 2nd run. I'll check it again at noon.

Looking goo, I look forward to the video!

Video: https://youtu.be/pg-_GVmxGoc

The colors are very hard to video. They ARE yellow and red, but they look pink in this video.
Though the liquid looks hazy, it's not.

Thanks for the review!

Yeah your images make it appear very similar to a pink heritage Grande just on a gold base, can't see the yellow liquid color very well.

You're welcome! I haven't been able to capture the color correctly. I will try and get some shots with my DSLR - that should do it. ;)

MileHigh said:

Thanks for the review!

Yeah your images make it appear very similar to a pink heritage Grande just on a gold base, can't see the yellow liquid color very well.

The liquid doesn't look very clear in the photo and the level doesn't reach past the cap? I realize the level will raise slightly when in use but personally, I wouldn't want a lamp with liquid that doesn't reach the cap when not in use.

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