Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone have an idea of the fair value for a clear/cranberry?

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last one i seen went for 10.49 on ebay lol, but im sure you can get more for one, you wanting to sell one pm me !
i'll give you a shiny new quarter for it.

I save alot of the pic's with the price that they go for as reference lol ...... 10.49 + shipping
Really, only $10.49? They must not have known it was a cranberry. Ugh. I have 3 of these things.
One of my favorite colors.
I've noticed people sometimes list them as purple.
Monitor the purple lavas and what the cap numbers are.
Yeah, purple or red seems to be how they are listed.
3 of them?! WOW! I had a hard time finding one!
no kidding ( 3 ) sell sell sell lol . I 've only seen the one i have and the one on ebay that i was to stupid to buy because i had just statred to look at lava!!!
NO, this one was listed as cranberry a few months back, but i was to new to realize what it was / meant : (
Damn. If I sell them I would loose money. I know I didn't pay $10 bux for mine. Lol :)

Come on - tell me a good, fair price guys :)
I'd say $40-50 seems to be a fair price. I think I got mine for around $25-30 since the seller listed it as red. If it is crystal clear when running, I would ask for more. They are notorious for becoming little cloudy when running after a few hours.
Two of the globes are new and crystal clear - flow fine. One had a loose cap but that was fixed. My third one is clear but has a slight tint. Flows like a maniac.

I am contemplating selling off my collection and keeping only the lamps I want. As much as I love these things, it's a waste to be sitting in storage.

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