Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well I was at the mall tonight and went in to Spencers and I got a 52 Oz Yellow wax clear liquid. Well this is the first lamp in my home as my Grand has not been deliverd yet. I am also looking on ebay for some older lamps. Cant wait to I plug it in.


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Well it has a blue Aristocrat base. So far I love the lamp. It has a ok flow.

Thanks for the tip. I do like the base a lot. I will look forwad to the nexed couple of days. When it runs for a while the lava stay at the top of the lamp. It mite be getting over hot. Well thanks it is still a great lamp.

I have the new blue/white lamp as well. It seems that all my silver base ones from china have to be broken in. the more I use them the better the flow become. I know, most don't want to hear good news about that lol. But the good flow only lasts for about 2 hrs. and then they start making smaller balls and collects a big ball at the top that will slowly go back down and the process of small balls begin again untill it just stays at the top, not wanting to come down. hopefully this will stop but don't see much of a sign of doing so. The only China lamp that I really like the flow of, is the clear black w/white base. that thing flows like the older ones! Too bad that it isn't a bright lamp. That lamp went a tad cloudy on the first use and was very lazzy but it cleared up and the flow became excellent! In any case, what type of dimmer do you all use on your lamps? I don't want to use a 25w on the other lamps.
would be nice to mod the cords into a dimming switches lol
Well I mite be wrong but I have herd of peple puting dimers on the lamp.

Thanks for the info about the frosted bulb I will try this.


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