Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently got a grande for christmas. when all the wax is in a blob that is suspened at the bottom and not touching the coil it too hot, not cold enoughand what do i need to do to get it to flow properly.




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Take it back. Better yet, go find the office of Lava World and throw it at them. Should send a good message :)
I got the purple liquid with pink lava. I havent seen them for sale around here. I did find 52oz at Spencers and it seems to work fine. Guess I'll have to look for them so i cant buy one and then return it.

If the lamp is nice and clear U should just keep it and run it until it.s broken in. The weather will affect it temp has a big impact on performance. sounds too cold BTW Does it have 2 coils at the bottom?
Yes there are 2 coils.
I am kinda wondering if we can all get together and file a class action lawsuit against them. Constantly selling faulty merchandise. Rarely works out of the box. Customer service is non existent. Last but not least, the potential of fire hazard, bodily harm or even death due to poor materials being used in the grande (glass bottles cracking).

Wonder if that would change things up a bit? I might look into that. God knows I have wasted enough money without ever getting any service to fix it.


Such Hostility toward the supplier of items we all love...

Have you ever called them with an issue?

I've had great success with Lava Lite customer service in  settling any issue I had with a lamp.

They even made good on a grande that was purchased on Amazon and sent a new one for N/C (not even shipping).

Every company has qualtiy control issues, even when the itme is manufactured in the USA

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