Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a lava lamp that I just found in the attic and I turned it on and had it going for a really long time, many weeks and it looked great.  I know now that you aren't supposed to leave them on for so long, but I didn't know before.  Anyway, the bulb blew out so I got a new one and it was sold as a lava lite/lamp whatever light bulb and it turns on, gets hot, does the initial run up to the top, and then when it is all heated it doesn't flow, just sits and churns at the bottom.  I didn't know you shouldn't shake it, so I did and it turned into a lot of little bubbles of wax but I left it on and I could see it flowing under all the bubbles.  After a few days the little bubbles cleared up but all the wax just sits there on the bottom still. 

I'm certain that this is a fairly common problem, I just don't know what to search the archives for.  Is there some magic I can do to make it flow again?

It is green with clear water, btw. 



p.s. the idea of popping of the top terrifies me, I'd like to avoid it.

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First thing to check is the wattage of the bulb. Older lamps generally use a 40 watt bulb, bulbs sold in stores today from Lava Lite are 25 watt (for newer lamps). If you need to get at 40 watt bulb, look for appliance bulbs. They will be a match for the older lamps. 25 watts is not enough to get an older lamp started properly (in general). Hopes this helps
It is a 40 watt bulb and the lava seems to be quite hot and liquid, it just doesn't flow. Almost like it has reached equilibrium. When I turn it off and let it cool and turn it back on it will flow for a short while now, but then go back to churning on the bottom.
yes, it does. I did lose the top cap thing, and I put half an aluminum can over it instead. This worked fine before, the problem has only started since I changed the bulb.
it is clear, I guess it must be getting overheated. It works better when I don't leave it on too long and give it frequent breaks.

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