Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Mathmos Glitterball - NEED HELP FAST!

Hi, I bought a Mathmos silver glitterball on ebay. Plugged it in and the bottle had a crack and leaked all over. I salvaged 90% of the glitter and liquid and put it in a spare bottle I had. I need help with the following:


Why so smelly? The glitterball liquid was like syrup and smelled really nasty.


What is that inside of the bottle that smelled so bad and Is that smelly stuff toxic?


What can I use to top it off? It's about two inches low.


Post or email me at EROZMOS@ROADRUNNER.COM


Please help ASAP.


Thank you.

Views: 60


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Comment by Modulo '70 on March 22, 2011 at 3:06am
Bummer. Glad you managed to save most of the liquid. Try not to inhale those fumes as they're pretty unpleasant and noxious. I hope you get some practical answers soon. AC


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