Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

just discovered i have another astrobaby green glitterball. any takers?

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how much
i sold previous one's for $150
this one is boxed as well. i believe this isn't cloudy when cold but need to double check
no takers?
What do you mean by cloudy when cold?
the glitterballs have a tendancy over time for the masterfluid to become a bit cloudy but it goes away when its running. so when cold they can look a bit shit but look great when on. its strange i know...

Erin said:
What do you mean by cloudy when cold?
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I had no idea.

forgot to report back, this is clear when cold as well. i have someone very interested and i'm going to pop on it unless someone hear speaks up


Go ahead. I don't have the funds at the moment anyhow. Good luck with your sale!

MyFriendGoo said:

forgot to report back, this is clear when cold as well. i have someone very interested and i'm going to pop on it unless someone hear speaks up


well the offer is $100 right now.
Do you have any pictures you could post? I'd like to see it.
any marks you see on the can come of, just needs to be cleaned, don't know why i didn't do this

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