Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Just thought I would share that I picked up one of these beauties! I might have over paid a little, but for $175 bux it was a steal for me. The age, the condition, the coolness and the fact that you can not get them anymore.


There are a few pics. I can't wait to get this in and try it out. It will probably be stored in a glass cabinet because the cats will LOVE to "play and chew" the fiber. Lol. Not going to happen!

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Yes, they are very cool. They are very hard to come by as well. There is one on ebay with a buy it now of 175 dollars and it is a tiny thing. Only difference is the model of course, but it has the box and instructions.

It's called the Firefly (the one on ebay now). http://cgi.ebay.com/Fantasia-Firefly-1101-A-Motion-Lamp_W0QQitemZ30...
Kris, the model you bought is a Sunburst. Yours hasthe ten-color wheel. The spray revolves, and a separate motor drives a cooling fan which pulls air through the base. This is one BIG lamp, and will be a show-stopper.
Thanks for that info. I was told that this is the biggest one they ever made. So, of course I had to buy it. Lol. I actually liked it because of how it looked and it's just a really sweet lamp. Something you can not get anymore.

If you can, it's a POS made in China junk lamp.

I did not know there was a cooling fan on this thing. I hope it never breaks. Otherwise I am screwed. Don't think I can get parts for it.
I saw this one a while ago on eBay and I did bid on it. It got up to 260 and I did bid up to 245. However the high bidder did not come through as usual so he re-listed it and I sent him a message asking how much he wanted. The rest is history.

I also found during my search, a thread on here about the fantasia products. This is also what lead me to start collecting lava lamps (midnight). Go figure.

I think the "name brand" vintage ones used real glass fibers. I am just speaking out loud here, but I have a feeling that knock offs might have used cheap plastic fibers.

There are some junk ones on there now.
Got this guy in. Unfortunately the packing job was sub par and the globe got dented because it got pressed against the metal bracket that holds it all together. So instead of two dents, my globe has two "nipple" like protrusions. Not too much - fixable. Anyways, the guy is giving me a full refund and told me to keep the lamp.

I was watching two others on eBay and they went for some insane price - 18" went for $470 and the 15" went for 180. Both to the same person.

Too rich for my blood! I doubt he pays for it. Lol.

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