Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I bought a 12 ounce Clear View yesterday, but it seems the base of the globe doesn't get warm enough.  The wax just sits in the bottom in a glob that appears to have a "crust" of some sort.  The outside of the base gets VERY hot, but it seems the clear plastic base doesn't conduct enough heat.  Would a metal washer help?  Thanks for any ideas!

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Possablie a mettle washer could work or you could try adding some kitchen foil to the inside to the base to make a reflector for the heat.

Thanks, Tim.  I am trying foil, but it doesn't seem to be helping much.  The globe isn't HOT like my other globes seem to be.  I can hold it by the bottom without issue.  

What bulb are you using in it - thats probably the issue.

The 15 watt OEM bulb.

Thats not the right bulb - a 30w R39 bulb would work.

Tim, really??  I can try it, but that seems pretty large for a 12 ounce.  My 20 ounce only uses a 25 watt.  Thanks for your thoughts.

I read it wrongly I thought you had a 32oz clear view, I think a 25w bulb would work better then.

Thanks again...I'll let you know how it works out.

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