Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a couple of vintage copper Crestworth mini / comet lamps which have been in the family since the 60's (they belonged to my great grandmother).
Unfortunately they are pretty murky and they don't flow. I would LOVE to get them back to their former glory but I don't really know where to begin, I'm kinda guessing I have two options:

1) Find a replacement glass bulb
2) Empty them out and put a new mixture in

I don't have the first clue where to begin with either of these and I would be extremely grateful for any help!

Here are some pics:



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Hi Bohdan,

Thanks for your quick reply.
What would be the process with the pump (sorry mate, I'm a bit of a noob here), would I pump out the whole solution and replace it with new goo?
Where do I get the replacement goo solution?
or do I pump it out, filter it and then put it back in again?
Should I do this when it is hot or cool?

Sorry, I'm probably asking very obvious questions here :)

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