Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a question. My lamp globe has a strange substance on the outside of it which streaks when i try and clean it. I have tried Clorox wipes as well as a micro-fiber optical cleaning cloth and nothing seems to get this substance off.

What is the best way to thoroughly clean a globe?

Also, once my lamp gets moving there is always a little blob that stays at the top of the globe and won't fall back down. Once the lamp cools I gently bump the globe and the kilngon falls to the bottom, but it keeps coming back every time I use the lamp. Is there any way to fix this?


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Well I think it is normal for the little blob to stay at the top. Hope some one else has more info on this.

Can you send a pic of the lamp.

as far as cleaning goes, it says to use a damp cloth to clean but I use eyeglass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. If this don't work I would use a diluted version of mean grean cleaner (that stuff will take almost anything off). I don't think that would hurt the glass any if it is diluted. if it is still on there, try a less dilution.

The blob is normal. some have less or none at all. deffinately a hit or mis with that. if you don't like it, let the wax cool a bit and then turn it back on and when it reconnects shut it off and let cool completely and this should reduce the size, if not take it down with it.
Great pics. I have used Rubing Alcohol to clean the lamp and it seems to work ok. Only use this when the lamp is cold.


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